Media Contact

Jamie McGeechan
Public Information Officer
(314) 622-5763
Email & full profile


We are here to serve you.  Choose from the list below the section in the Personnel Department that can best help you.

Classification and Compensation
The Classification and Compensation Section is responsible for monitoring and modifying the classification plan.

Employee Benefits
The Employee Benefits Section administers the full spectrum of employee benefit programs available to City employees and their families. The Benefits Section also administers the Retiree and COBRA insurance programs.

Employee Relations
The Employee Relations Section has administrative responsibility for the Employee Assistance Program (EAP), drug and alcohol screening, Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), and labor relations.

Personnel Services
The Personnel Services Section of the Department of Personnel carries out a broad range of diversified functions for all departments within the City of St. Louis system.

Recruitment and Examination
The Recruitment and Examination Section implements recruitment strategies, administers examinations, establishes eligible lists, and contracts for temporary services.

Talent and Organizational Development
The Employee Talent and Organizational Development Section is responsible for designing, creating, and implementing training and organizational development efforts.


Equal Employment Opportunity Complaint Form
Employee Grievance Form
Paper Employment Application Form
Employee Secondary Employment Questionnaire
Service Rating Appeal Form



Contact Information


Phone: (314) 622-4308
Fax: (314) 622-4293

Monday-Friday, 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM

Social Media:
Department of Personnel on Facebook. Department of Personnel on LinkedIn. Department of Personnel on Instagram.

1114 Market Street , Room 700
Saint Louis, Missouri 63101

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