Carondelet Park Master Plan
The plan outlines a long-range vision for the restoration of the park’s picturesque landscape and aquatic ecosystem while retaining a balanced approach to the active and passive recreational needs of the park’s users.

Publication Date: 04/02/2003
Document Type: Plans and Reports
Planning & Urban Design Agency
The plan was adopted as a Topical Plan by the Planning Commission on April 2, 2003. In response to the park showing the initial signs of deterioration, the City and the adjacent neighborhoods expressed a desire for a comprehensive master plan for the restoration of the park. The plan outlines a long-range vision for the restoration of the park’s picturesque landscape and aquatic ecosystem while retaining a balanced approach to the active and passive recreational needs of the park’s users.
Carondelet Park Master Plan__ (8.89 MB)
Carondelet Park Master Plan - Related File 1 (3.24 MB)
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