JeffVanderLou Neighborhood Plan
The plan was adopted as a Neighborhood Plan by the Planning Commission on April 11, 2001. The plan provides a blueprint for the physical, economic and social revitalization of the neighborhood. Vashon/JeffVanderLou Initiative, Inc., a neighborhood non-profit organization, was formed to implement the plan.

Publication Date: 04/11/2001
Document Type: Plans and Reports
Planning & Urban Design Agency
The plan was adopted as a Neighborhood Plan by the Planning Commission on April 11, 2001. The plan provides a blueprint for the physical, economic and social revitalization of the neighborhood. Vashon/JeffVanderLou Initiative, Inc., a neighborhood non-profit organization, was formed to implement the plan.
Action Plan (5.80 MB)
Existing Conditions (5.64 MB)
Putting Plan to Work (9.41 MB)
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