St. Louis Riverfront Trail Enhancements Plan
The plan was adopted as a Topical Plan by the Planning Commission on June 6, 2001 The plan was prepared to serve as a tool to guide the future development and use of the Riverfront Trail (a 12-mile paved recreational trail linking Downtown with the Old Chain of Rocks Bridge), to increase public support and excitement for the trail, and to attract funding opportunities.

Publication Date: 06/06/2001
Document Type: Plans and Reports
Planning & Urban Design Agency
The plan was adopted as a Topical Plan by the Planning Commission on June 6, 2001 The plan was prepared to serve as a tool to guide the future development and use of the Riverfront Trail (a 12-mile paved recreational trail linking Downtown with the Old Chain of Rocks Bridge), to increase public support and excitement for the trail, and to attract funding opportunities.
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