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Education, Training & Leadership Projects

Develop a Neighborhood-Community Asset Inventory
Information on how to develop an asset inventory of your neighborhood or community.
Secure Vacant Buildings and Preserve Historic Buildings
Existing buildings with historic architectural features, unique design elements, or historical significance add character and charm to a neighborhood
Develop Safe Routes to School or a Walking School Bus
Safe Routes to School is a national and international movement to create safe, convenient, and fun opportunities for children to bicycle and walk to and from school.
Plant and Care for Trees
Urban trees have been shown to have a positive impact on the quality of streets and open space, neighborhood property value, stormwater runoff, and health of the environment
Preserve Existing Buildings
Preservation maximizes the use of existing materials and infrastructure, reduces waste, and preserves the historic character and charm of a neighborhood.
Hold a Neighborhood Energy Challenge
Information and resources on holding a block or neighborhood-wide competition between individual households, groups of households, or different blocks to collectively reduce energy use.
Conduct A Weatherization Training Program
Weatherization or weatherproofing is the process of protecting a building and its interior to reduce energy use and lower energy costs
Disconnect Downspouts & install Rain Barrels
Information and resources for disconnecting downspouts and installing rain barrels.
Create A Cool Or White Roof Program
Cool roofs are highly reflective roofs that absorb less heat from sunlight and keep your building cooler

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