City Emergency Management Agency (CEMA)

The City of St. Louis Emergency Management Agency (CEMA), a division of the Department of Public Safety, maintains an ongoing program of prevention, mitigation, preparedness, response and recovery

Email (314) 444-5466 More contact info


News and Announcements

Contact Information


Phone: (314) 444-5466
Media Inquires: (314) 928-6336

Monday - Friday 8 AM to 5 PM
Other hours as necessary.

Social Media:
Follow City Emergency Management Agency on twitter. City Emergency Management Agency on Facebook. City Emergency Management Agency on LinkedIn. City Emergency Management Agency on Instagram. City Emergency Management Agency on NextDoor.

1915 Olive Street , Sixth Floor, CEMA
St. Louis, Missouri 63103

The City Emergency Operation Center is located on the 6th floor of the Police Department Headquarters.

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