Report Hazardous Chemical Inventory

Information on submitting the Missouri Tier II form for hazardous chemicals and extremely hazardous substances to local organizations


The owner or operator of a facility where hazardous chemicals are used, produced, or stored must submit a Tier II Form to the Missouri Emergency Response Commission (MERC) if the quantity of hazardous chemicals on hand exceeds specific thresholds (see below). This form must also be submitted to the Local Emergency Planning Commission (LEPC), the City of St. Louis Emergency Management Agency, and the St. Louis Fire Department.

You must submit this form every year between January 2 and March 1, reporting information from the previous year.

Chemicals To Report

Any substance for which your facility must keep a material safety data sheet (MSDS) under OSHA’s Hazard Communication Standard is classified as a “hazardous chemical”. Any “hazardous chemical” that your facility has more than ten thousand (10,000) pounds of on hand at any one time during the calendar year must be reported on the Missouri Tier II form. A partial list of hazardous chemicals may be found online.

Extremely Hazardous Substances (EHS) as specified in 40 CFR Part 355 must be reported on the Tier II form if a facility has on hand at any one time during the calendar year more than five hundred (500) pounds or the threshold planning quantity (TPQ), whichever is lower. To obtain a list of extremely hazardous substances, contact the Missouri Department of Public Safety, Missouri Emergency Response Commission at (800) 780-1014 or view this PDF.


  1. Report your hazardous chemicals or substances to the Missouri Emergency Response Commission (MERC) annually, between January 2 and March 1.
  2. If you choose the Optional Distribution option when filling out your Tier II form on the Missouri website, your report will automatically be sent to the Local Emergency Planning Committee and your local Fire Department / District. Your state and local reporting will be complete.
  3. If you do not select Optional Distribution, you must manually submit your report to the local organizations as outlined in the instructions below.
  4. Save your MERC report as a PDF.
  5. Email the PDF to to provide copies to the Local Emergency Planning Commission (LEPC), the City of St. Louis Emergency Management Agency, and the St. Louis Fire Department.


There is a fee for reporting chemicals to the state of Missouri, but no fee for reporting to the City. 

What to Expect

When you submit your forms to the email address above, you will not receive a confirmation email. You will be contacted if any futher information is needed.

Additional Information


City Emergency Management Agency

(314) 444-5466

1915 Olive Street, Sixth Floor, CEMA
St. Louis, MO 63103

Monday - Friday 8 AM to 5 PM Other hours as necessary.

Contact the City Emergency Management Agency

Local Emergency Planning Commission
(314) 613-7232

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