Military Discharge Recording and Copies
Find information on filing military discharge paper, requesting copies of military discharge papers, and requesting copies of other military veterans service records
On This Page
File Military Discharge papers as a resident of the City of St. Louis.
Request copies of Military Discharge papers originally filed in the City of St. Louis.
Request copies of Other Military Veteran's Service Records online, by mail or by fax from the National Archives and the US Department of Veterans Affairs.
DD214s are not public records.
The following information is necessary to record, or request copies of a Military Discharge:
Read the information on this page carefully.
Have your full Military Discharge papers including DD214.
To request copies, gather the registrant’s information needed for the application.
You will need to know, the Veteran’s full name (first, middle, last name), county registered, date of birth, SSN, branch of service, service dates, number of certified and uncertified copies needed and be able to provide the requesting party’s name, address and contact information.
Locate the Application for Military Discharge Copies form linked under “instructions” below.
Provide a Driver's License or State Identification Card (if requesting by mail, include a photocopy of the Applicant's Driver's License or State Identification Card with the request).
Identify the correct county in which to make a request for copies, or to record your Military Discharge papers.
To Record a Military Discharge:
Military Discharge papers should be recorded in the county of residence upon being discharged, or when moving to a new residence in a new county. Bring your Military Discharge papers (complete including DD214) in person to:
Military Discharge Records
c/o Death Records
St. Louis City Recorder and Registrar
City Hall, Room 124, 1200 Market Street
St. Louis, Missouri 63103
8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday-Friday
(314) 613-3031
To Obtain a Copy of a Discharge:
A copy of a Military Discharge may be made only for the Veteran, surviving spouse, and certain third parties defined by State law. Discharges are not available for genealogy or other research purposes. Military Discharges recorded with Missouri and Illinois Recorders of Deeds are closed records.
Mail or bring your Application for Military Discharge Copies form and copy of Driver’s License or State Identification Card to:
Military Discharge Records
c/o Death Records
St. Louis City Recorder and Registrar
City Hall, Room 124, 1200 Market Street
St. Louis, Missouri 63103
8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday-Friday
(314) 613-3031
In Missouri, your Military Discharge may be brought to your County Recorder of Deeds for recordation at no fee.
What to Expect
The Recorder of Deed's office will make a copy of your Discharge, index and file it, and give you back your original. The entire process will be done in a couple of minutes.
Additional Information
If you recorded your Discharge papers with another Missouri county Recorder of Deeds or an Illinois Recorder of Deeds, you will need to contact that Recorder for a copy.
You may also request military service records from:
Vital Records Department
(314) 613-3018
1200 Market St.,
City Hall, Room 127
St. Louis, MO 63103
Monday - Thursday 8:00 AM - 6:00 PM Friday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Saturday 9:00 AM - 1:00 PM