Residential Block Party Permits
Permit is required for neighborhood weekend social gatherings, and must be submitted at least two weeks in advance.
Begin online Call (314) 647-3111
Begin online: /government/departments/street/permits-inspections/street-permits-application.cfm
Call: (314) 647-3111
On This Page
A Residential Block Party is defined as a residential, neighbors only, social gathering, not affiliated with any special event or commercial establishment.
Residential block parties (specifically gatherings for residents of a block and NOT events open to the public) require an application to be submitted 2 weeks in advance.
Residential block parties are limited to weekends, including Friday evenings.
- Must be open to all residents of the block for purpose of meeting neighbors - no private parties. Organizer must notify all residents of the party's date/time at least 24 hours in advance;
- Access shall be open to all fire hydrants, mail boxes or other utilities;
- No sound amplifying devices may be used that can be heard beyond 150 feet;
- No admission charge may be made.
Blocking Hours for Residential Block Parties
Fridays, between 6pm and 9pm, or
Saturdays/Sundays, between 11am and 9pm (excluding National Night Out and Halloween).
For your application, you will need to provide:
- Street address
- Hundred block and name of street you wish to close
- Cross streets on either side of the block you wish to close
- Number of blocks to be closed
- Day, date and time of event
- Anticipated number of persons to attend
- Your plan for notifying block residents
- Your contact information
Submit your application electronically by using the Begin Online button below.
Begin online Call (314) 647-3111
Begin online: /government/departments/street/permits-inspections/street-permits-application.cfm
Call: (314) 647-3111
$20/block, payable by cash or check.
What to Expect
After submitting your application online, you will receive an application ID number as well as a confirmation e-mail. You may then monitor the status of your application by going to our Check Status of Street Permit Application page.
Please allow at least two weeks for review and approval of requests.
Upon permit approval, come to 1900 Hampton to pay for and pick up your permit. At this time we only accept cash or check. If there is sufficient lead time before your event, you can mail in payment and we will mail or fax your permit to you.
Department of Streets
(314) 647-3111
1900 Hampton
St. Louis, MO 63139
Monday thru Friday, 8:00 - 4:30