Roll Cart Trash Collection Schedule Adjusted to Accommodate MLK Day January 18 2021
Roll cart trash collection schedule will be adjusted to accommodate Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day observance on Monday, January 18, 2021.
This article is 3 years old. It was published on January 14, 2021.
The City of St. Louis Refuse Division would like to remind residents with roll carts that the trash collection schedule will be adjusted to accommodate Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day observance on Monday, January 18, 2021.
Residents who normally have their roll carts collected on Mondays and Thursdays will have their trash collected on Tuesday, Jan. 19th and recyclables collected on Thursday, Jan. 21st.
Residents who normally have their roll carts collected on Tuesdays and Fridays will receive trash collection on Wednesday, Jan. 20th and recyclables collected on Friday, Jan. 22nd.
The yard waste collection will resume on Wednesday, March 3.
For convenient reference see the Refuse Division website where residents can also find answers to questions about Remodeling and Renovation, Illegal Dumping, Bulky and B.O.A.T. Items (Batteries, Oil, Appliances, Tires), Yard Waste and Christmas Trees, and Recycling. Also for hazardous waste, please check out our program.
Refuse Division
Waste Management and Recycling