Single Stream Recycling for Residents

Learn more about the City of St. Louis' single-stream recycling pick-up service, how it works, schedules and more resources.


The City of St. Louis offers Single Stream Recycling Service to all city residents.

Single Stream Recycling Services are limited to:

  • paper
  • plastic bottles and containers
  • metal food and beverage cans
  • glass bottles and jars
  • cardboard 
  • food and beverage cartons

We appreciate your interest and participation in the City of St. Louis' Recycling Service.



Locate your blue bin:

Know Your Pick-up Schedule:


  1. Collect and sort your trash in to the allowed materials.
  2. Place your sorted recyclable material in the correct alleyway Blue Bins.
  3. For updated schedules check the links below.

What goes in the blue bin?

Visit Saint Louis City Recycles for details and photos of what can and cannot be placed in the blue City recycling dumpsters or roll-carts.


$14/month per unit /residence.

Covered by your solid waste services fee collected quarterly on your water bill.

What to Expect


  • City refuse trucks will empty dumpsters and roll-out carts on a Monday/Thursday or a Tuesday/Friday schedule, depending on location.
  • In the rare event of pick-up schedule changes due to emergencies or inclement weather will be posted on our twitter feed at @StlStreets on X/Twitter.

Service Frequency

Additional Information

Beyond the blue bin

Sometimes materials cannot be placed into the blue bin, but may still be recyclable. See the following miscellaneous recycling options:

Visit Saint Louis City Recycles to learn about all of the City's recycling services.

Learn more about the City of St. Louis' Recycling Division.

If you do not have a blue dumpster or roll-cart, contact the Citizen's Service Bureau at 314-622-4800.


Recycling Section

(314) 772-4646

4646 Shenandoah
St. Louis, MO 63110

Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Contact the Recycling Section

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