Citizen Role in a Winter Storm

Citizens are a key partner in a successful winter storm response.

Citizens are Partners in Winter Weather Response

It is important for citizens to understand the City's response plan and to act in accordance with the advice of emergency response personnel during a snow/ice event. In severe storms, the Director of Streets will advise all vehicles to stay off the roads in order to facilitate a safer, more efficient plowing effort. Please be prepared for such emergencies by having stocked up on provisions at home. For more info on preparing for any emergency, visit the City Emergency Management Agency's website.

  • Parking Restrictions - Snow routes are posted online and you are advised not to park on a snow route when a storm is forecasted. Plows push snow to the side of the road. Vehicles parked on a snow route will get plowed in.  If you must park on a snow route, make sure your vehicle is no more than 12 inches from the curb. Vehicles parked more than 12 inches from the curb, interfering with the flow of traffic, will be towed.
  • Reporting issues - Please allow snow crews adequate time to plow the snow routes before calling Citizens' Service Bureau to report problem areas. Once we have completed Phase 2 of our snow response, our crews will begin responding to trouble spots reported to the CSB.
  • Clearing sidewalks - Property owners are responsible for clearing their sidewalks. Cleared snow should not be shoveled into the street. Be a good neighbor and help out your disabled or elderly neighbors (or even your vacationing neighbors) by clearing their sidewalks too if you are able.
  • Clearing parking lots - Cleared snow should NOT be pushed into the street. You may have to give up a spot or two for snow piles. Snow pushed into the street will be plowed back onto your lot.

Snow Route Map (download)
Resources for Street Treatment
Tiered Snow And Ice Response
Snow Route Interactive Map
Snow Driving Tips

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