Gateway Bike Plan | Community Briefing Kit
Connecting communities across the midwest region.

Publication Date: 11/07/2016
Document Type: Informational Pages
Traffic and Lighting Division
Communities across the St. Louis Metro Area are installing bicycle lanes, trails, and other facilities to support bicycling activity for both transportation and recreation.
These bicycle facilities provide multiple benefits:
• Establish expectations on the roadway by providing signing, striping and markings that designate use of the roadway by people bicycling and people driving.
• Enhance safety for all road users.
• Improve travel behavior and predictability on roadways.
• Further the goals of the 2011 Gateway Bike Plan, the region’s long-range plan for increasing the number of people bicycling in St. Louis City, St. Louis County, and St. Charles County.
This community briefing kit is intended to help local municipalities, neighborhood groups, community organizations, local businesses, and residents better understand and communicate to others the function and benefits of the region’s growing bicycle network.
The briefing kit begins with some powerful facts and figures to help communicate the importance of bicycling and bicycle facilities to create healthier communities, safer streets, increased economic activity, and greater savings for community residents.
The briefing kit also includes detailed descriptions of four common types of bicycle facilities and explains how people driving cars and people riding bicycles can safely and responsibly share the road when encountering these bicycle facilities.
The materials in this community briefing kit are intended to be shared via social media, incorporated into community newsletters and emails, and distributed to local residents and stakeholders to raise awareness for bicycling and the many benefits of a bikeable community.
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