Treasurer's Office Releases Bid For Integrated Parking Management System

Evaluation of proposals may include a field-test of parking control equipment, with an opportunity for customer evaluations.

October 4, 2013 | 2 min reading time

This article is 11 years old. It was published on October 4, 2013.

The City of St. Louis Treasurer's Office is soliciting proposals from qualified companies to furnish and potentially install an easy-to-use on-street parking system that allows payment flexibility and convenience for users while allowing real-time monitoring, reduced cost of operating, increased flexibility in changing rates and increased compliance.

"We promised the citizens of St. Louis that all existing contracts would be reviewed and examined for their operational and financial efficiency. This is another step we're taking to propel the office from the 19th Century to the 21st Century," said Treasurer Tishaura Jones.

The evaluation and ranking of proposals will consist of two phases. For the first phase, a review committee will rank and score the proposals based upon the evaluation criteria. The Treasurer's Office will initially select a limited number of vendors to proceed to the second phase which requires vendors to perform a six (6) month on-street field test evaluation of their equipment before a final selection is made. The field test will include installing parking equipment on both sides of one or more contiguous city blocks (approximately 40-60 parking spaces). The field test areas will be selected by the office. Based upon the results of the trial, the office may decide to proceed with an offer to one or more companies to furnish and potentially install units on a long-term basis throughout the City.

A lot of weight will be given to customer evaluations obtained during the pilot projects. Currently, only 20 percent of customers are satisfied with the single space meter pilot in the Central West End.  Also, in late October and early November, we are giving citizens the opportunity to tell us what they want to see in a first class parking system at several town hall meetings. Stay tuned to the website for dates, times, and locations.

A downloadable version of this story, with Treasurer's Office contact information, can be found here.

The Request for Proposals for an Integrated Parking Management System can be found here.

Additional Documents relating to the Pre-Proposal Conference are available here.

  • Department:
    Office of the Treasurer
  • Topic:

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