Affordable Housing Commission
We promote City living and neighborhood stabilization through the preservation and production of affordable, accessible housing and support services that enhance the quality of life for those in need.
Trending Pages
St. Louis Affordable Housing Commission Triples Annual Awards, Supporting Nearly $16 Million in Housing Construction & Support Services
This year’s allocation will support a record-breaking 46 affordable housing programs and 14 housing developments.
Press release | Affordable Housing Commission of the City of St. Louis,Office of the Mayor | 01/16/2024
Executive Director
April Ford Griffin
Executive Director, Affordable Housing Commission
Request for Proposals
Learn how to apply for funding from the Affordable Housing Commission or view past awards.
Meeting Materials
View Commission's Agendas, and Supporting Documents
January 7, 2025 Affordable Housing Commission Meeting
Meeting materials for January 7, 2025 Affordable Housing Commission Meeting
August 30, 2024 Affordable Housing Commission Meeting
Meeting Materials for August 30, 2024 Affordable Housing Commission Meeting
Upcoming Events
No events available.
John Wuest
Commissioner At Large -
Derrick Thomas
Chair/Organization dedicated to residential home development and construction -
Lenny Jones
Commissioner/Healthcare Representative -
Deanetta James
Commissioner/At Large member -
Marc Hirshman
Commissioner -
Paula Foster
Commissioner/Tenant in Subsidized or Rent Assisted Housing -
Steven Foelsch
Commissioner/Disabled Persons Representative -
James Clifford
Commissioner/Union Representative -
Gail Brown
Commissioner/At Large member -
Jamie Boyer
Commissioner/At Large member
Learn more about board duties, purpose, and member requirements.
Contact Commission Secretary
Notice Under the Americans with Disabilities Act
Persons with special needs who need reasonable modifications, special accommodations, or auxiliary aids because of a disability should contact Loretta Hiner via email at or by phone at 314-657-3883 or (314) 589-6000 (TTY) at least 48 hours in advance.
Read the AHC's Grievance Procedure for Disability Discrimination.
Annual Reports
The Report to the Community describes a report setting forth the state of affordable housing in the city, the activities and functions of the Affordable Housing Commission, summarizes the developments, programs, and services funded by the Affordable Housing Commission, and the expenditures made by the Affordable Housing Commission from the Affordable Housing Trust Fund.
AHC Awards
The Affordable Housing Commission generally holds one funding round per year. The round opens in September and closes mid November. A Notice of Funding Available (NOFA) will be posted on this site, as well as in the St. Louis Post Dispatch and St. Louis American Newspapers.
Review previous awards made by the Affordable Housing Commission.
AHC Assisted Rental Units
List of Rental developments that the Affordable Housing Commission has funded and contact information.
AHC Grantee Forms
Forms for agencies awarded funds by the Affordable Housing Commission.
AHC Sustainability Objectives and Strategies
Sustainability Objectives and Strategies by funding year
Universal Design
The Universal Design Philosophy goes beyond traditional accessibility requirements that allow housing units to be used by people with mobility limitations. Universal Design incorporates a wide range of construction design features that allow the housing to be used optimally by the greatest number of people (young and old, short and tall, with and without physical limitations).
Moving Transit Forward
Moving Transit Forward is a comprehensive, thirty-year plan for transit improvements, which will help keep the St. Louis region a great place to live, work, and play. Thanks to the input from thousands of regional leaders, businesses, and citizens, Metro created Moving Transit Forward with three goals in mind: Providing and enhancing transit service in the near and long-term, retaining existing riders while attracting new ones, and increasing the overall efficiency of the St. Louis regional transit system.
Affordable Housing Commission Menu
Contact Information

(314) 657-3880
TTY Phone:
(314) 657-3880
(314) 613-7015
8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
1520 Market Street
, Suite 2080
Saint Louis, Missouri 63103
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