Ordinance 68663

Ord. relating to complete streets policy

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BOARD BILL NO. 7 Introduced by Alderman Shane Cohn, President Lewis Reed, Alderman Freeman Bosley, Sr., Alderwoman Dionne Flowers, Alderman Samuel Moore, Alderwoman, Kacie Triplett, Alderman Stephen Conway, Alderwoman, Jennifer Florida, Alderman Antonio French, Alderman Gregory Carter, Alderwoman Lyda Krewson, Alderwoman Phyllis Young, Alderman Frank Williamson An ordinance relating to a “complete streets” policy for the City of St. Louis, stating guiding principles and practices so that transportation improvements are planned, designed and constructed to encourage walking, bicycling and transit use while promoting safe operations for all users.


Session: 2010-2011

Board Bill Number: 7

Primary Sponsors: Shane Cohn

Committee: Streets, Traffic and Refuse

Effective: 06/22/2010

Legislative History

  • 04/30/2010

    First Reading

  • 05/28/2010

    Second Reading

  • 06/04/2010


  • 06/11/2010

    Third Reading


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