Ordinances by Topic Courts and Justice System

Ordinances tagged with this topic

List all 15 records
Ordinance #: Title Effective
71878 Certain Persons Access to City Correctional and Detention Facilities
An ordinance that authorizes certain persons to access and enter city correctional and detention facilities for the purposes of oversight, transparency, and accountability.
71820 Unlawful Discharge of a Firearm
This Board Bill creates the offense of “Unlawful Discharge of a Firearm,” when allowed under state law. It includes penalty provisions.
71750 Prohibit the Open Carrying of Firearms
The proposed bill will prohibit the open carrying of firearms in the City of St. Louis; exceptions are made for law enforcement officers; and including an effective date clause dependent upon restored authority of the City to regulate firearms.
71749 Amending Ordinance Number 71430 and Ordinance Number 71647 related to the Civilian Oversight and Detention Facilities Oversight Boards
The proposed bill amends Ordinance Number 71430 and Ordinance Number 71647 to amend the definition of Complaint, to require the acceptance of anonymous complaints, requiring member orientation and member training for the COB and DFOB, allowance of Independent legal counsel with certain provisions and to be procured from the budget of the Division of Civilian Oversight, and requiring specific entities to appear before the COB or DFOB only when their presence could potentially interfere with criminal or civil proceedings; and containing an emergency clause.
71710 $7.00 Surcharge for State Court Automation
The bill will require the municipal court to assess a $7.00 surcharge for state court automation in addition to any other court costs assessed by the court in cases in which costs are assessed
70847 City Whistleblower Law,
– An ordinance repealing Ord. 70475 and in lieu Thereof enacting a new Ordinance to be known as the City Whistleblower Law, pertaining to reporting improper governmental action and providing protection from retaliatory action for reporting and cooperating in the investigation and/or prosecution of improper governmental action; containing definitions, procedures for reporting improper governmental action and retaliation, and penalties; and containing severability and emergency clauses.
70820 An ordinance pertaining to conveyances of title and the recording of such transfer with the Recorder of Deeds; amending Section Three of Ordinance 56141, and Ordinance 65038
An ordinance pertaining to conveyances of title and the recording of such transfer with the Recorder of Deeds; amending Section Three of Ordinance 56141, and Ordinance 65038, by removing the requirement of the signature of the grantee on deeds issued by the Sheriff of the City pursuant to court order.
70819 BB105 Introduced by Alderman Kennedy An ordinance authorizing and directing the Mayor on behalf of the City of St. Louis, to submit all necessary applications and to enter into agreements with the Missouri Foundation for Health (Grant # 18-0136-OF-1
An ordinance authorizing and directing the Mayor on behalf of the City of St. Louis, to submit all necessary applications and to enter into agreements with the Missouri Foundation for Health (Grant # 18-0136-OF-18) for participation in a project to develop a criminal justice coordinating council to advance social justice and reforming pre-trial bail to reduce the jail population, and authorizing the Mayor, upon approval of the Board of Estimate and Apportionment, to expend any funds received by said grant to fulfill the obligations of the grant, and containing an emergency clause
70746 Collection of funds for prevention of domestic violence
BOARD BILL NO. 99 PRESIDENT LEWIS E. REED, ALDERMAN JOSEPH VACCARO, ALDERMAN LARRY ARNOWITZ, ALDERWOMAN HEATHER NAVARRO, ALDERWOMAN BETH MURPHY, ALDERWOMAN CAROL HOWARD An ordinance pertaining to the collection of funds to assist in the prevention of domestic violence in support of individuals impacted in the City of St. Louis; authorizing the Comptroller to establish “The Domestic Violence Prevention and Family Support Fund” to provide grants to social agencies who serve victims of domestic abuse, bullying, childhood abuse and sexual assault, and provide education aimed at the prevention of these offenses; authorizing and directing the Director of Airports to install change collection containers adjacent to (and not within) Transportation Security Administration leased premises at agreed upon locations at Lambert-St. Louis International Airport® (“Airport”), which is located in St. Louis County, Missouri, and perform all operations and functions that are incidental or necessary to such installations and to transfer to the Comptroller any money collected from such change collection containers. All funds collected from change collection containers are to be distributed through a competitive RFP process administered by the Office of the President of the Board of Aldermen, with a selection committee formed in accordance with ordinance 64102 approved July 16, 1997. A portion of funds may be used towards costs associated with change collector installation, change collection costs, change collector box maintenance and other incidentals.
70709 An ordinance pertaining to unlawful possession of marijuana
BOARD BILL NUMBER 193 INTRODUCED BY: PRESIDENT LEWIS E. REED, ALDERWOMAN MARLENE DAVIS, ALDERMAN JOSEPH VACCARO, ALDERMAN BRANDON BOSLEY, ALDERMAN JOHN COLLINS MUHAMMAD An ordinance amending Ordinance 69429 by repealing Section Two and Section Three of that ordinance and enacting in lieu thereof a new Section Two and a new Section Three pertaining to the same subject matters; and containing an emergency clause.
70681 Establishing the Office of Community Mediation
BOARD BILL NO. 132 INTRODUCED BY ALDERWOMAN CAROL HOWARD, ALDERMAN JOHN (JACK) COATAR, ALDERMAN DAN GUENTHER, ALDERWOMAN SARAH MARTIN, ALDERWOMAN BETH MURPHY, ALDERWOMAN CARA SPENCER, ALDERMAN SHANE COHN, ALDERWOMAN MARLENE DAVIS, ALDERWOMAN SHARON TYUS, ALDERMAN TOM OLDENBERG, ALDERMAN FRANK WILLIAMSON, ALDERWOMAN HEATHER NAVARRO, ALDERMAN TERRY KENNEDY, PRESIDENT LEWIS REED An Ordinance establishing an Office of Community Mediation and for the appointment of a Director for its oversight and management who shall establish a protocol for delivering voluntary mediation services for the citizens of the City of Saint Louis and a schedule of fees which may be charged therefor to be based upon participant’s ability to pay, and who shall monitor the outcomes and lasting results of mediations; and containing an emergency clause and severability clause.
70523 Domestic violence leave bill
BOARD BILL NO. 261 INTRODUCED BY ALDERWOMAN MEGAN-ELLYIA GREEN, ALDERWOMAN CARA SPENCER, ALDERWOMAN CAROL HOWARD, AND ALDERMAN LARRY ARNOWITZ, ALDERMAN CHRIS CARTER An ordinance requiring employers to provide unpaid leave for victims of domestic violence, sexual violence, and stalking; containing definitions; violations; a penalty clause; and a severability clause.
70511 Municipal Court operations
BOARD BILL NO. 302 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN COATAR An ordinance regarding certain Municipal Court operations; amending Ordinance 57839, Section Two, to be codified in the Revised Code of the City of St. Louis (“Code”) at Chapter 1.12.045; repealing Section Seven of Ordinance 62779, as codified at Chapter 17.53.070 of the Code ; and containing an emergency clause.
70502 Unattended firearms lock-up requirement and reporting of stolen firearms
BOARD BILL NO. 196 INTRODUCED BY: ALDERWOMAN KREWSON An ordinance for the public health and welfare, requiring unattended firearms in motor vehicles to be stored in a locked condition; requiring stolen guns to be reported to the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department, to establish that a rebuttable presumption exists that a firearm in a vehicle is the property of the driver of said vehicle; and containing a savings clause, a severability clause, and an emergency clause.
70436 Ordinance pertaining to court fees
BOARD BILL NO. 98 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN JEFFREY BOYD An Ordinance pertaining to miscellaneous fees or surcharges imposed by the City Courts; amending Section Two of Ordinance 56787, codified as Section 3.08.240 of the Revised Code of the City of St. Louis, by providing for the assessment of a four dollar ($4.00) fee imposed by the City Courts for payment of court costs by means other than cash or negotiable instrument in order to cover the transaction costs imposed by credit card companies or other payment providers and containing an emergency clause.

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