Collector of Revenue

St. Louis City Department of Revenue Office to Temporarily Close with State’s Decision to Extend Time to Renew Driver Licenses and Motor Vehicle Registrations

“With the state’s decision, we must put the health and safety of the pubic and our employees first,” Gregory F.X. Daly

March 23, 2020 | 2 min reading time

This article is 5 years old. It was published on March 23, 2020.

Sunday, March 22, 2020, City of St. Louis – City of St. Louis Collector of Revenue Gregory F.X. Daly announces that he will temporarily close the Department of Revenue Office (DOR) in City Hall to protect the health and safety of the public and employees by keeping the number of people in City Hall at a minimum. This decision is in response to the Missouri Department of Revenue’s March 21, 2020 announcement to implement 60-day automatic extensions for expiring driver licenses and motor vehicle registrations to help alleviate public congestion in local license offices.

“The people in my office and I care deeply about the public’s safety and wellbeing,” said Daly. “When many of the other DOR offices closed, we remained open to serve the people who wanted to make sure their driver licenses and motor vehicle registrations were in compliance with state requirements. Thanks to the state’s decision, these folks can stay home and focus on taking care of themselves and their families.” For updated information, visit @gregoryfxdaly on Facebook and Twitter.

Quick Overview

Missouri Driver Licenses

  • Valid Missouri driver licenses with original expiration dates of March 1, 2020, through April 30, 2020, have been granted an automatic 60-day extension from the date of expiration;
  • The approved extension does not waive the mandatory retesting requirement for persons who have allowed their license to expire for more than 184 days pursuant to Section 302.173 RSMo.
  • Individuals who were provided notice to complete additional testing as part of a medical review program requirement may be granted an additional 60 days to comply with such requirements.

Expiring Motor Vehicle Registrations

  • Vehicle owners with registrations (license plates) expiring in the months of March and April have been granted an automatic two-month extension and without penalty.
  • The vehicle safety and emission inspection window for the March and April license plate expirations will also be extended an additional 60 days.
  • Applicants for title will not be assessed a late title penalty when visiting a license office, effective immediately. This waiver will continue through April 30, 2020. For additional information, visit


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