Justine Craig Meyer, CFRE

Joint Boards of Health and Hospitals member

Justine Craig Meyers

Ms. Justine Craig-Meyer, CFRE, is the Senior Associate Director of Development in the School of Engineering & Applied Science for Washington University in Saint Louis. She previously served as Chief Development and Communications Officer (CDO) for DOORWAYS, a $9M housing organization based in the City of Saint Louis's Central West End neighborhood. DOORWAYS provides housing for more than 3,000 people affected by HIV in more than 100 counties in Missouri and Illinois.

Justine has more than 20 years of nonprofit experience. Prior to joining DOORWAYS in 2013, she worked for several health-focused nonprofits and served as Executive Director for Lemay Housing Partnership, Inc. (LHP) and CEO for @FundedMission, a nonprofit consulting business catering to nonprofits with budgets less than $2M. Justine has several certifications from NeighborWorks, a certification in Economic Development from the St. Louis Economic Partnership and a BA in Political Science from Stephens College. She volunteers for various organizations and serves on the Advisory Board for YouthBridge Community Foundation.

She lives in the near south side of the City of St. Louis in the shadow of the great water tower of Reservoir Park with her husband Jeff, four children, and two dogs.

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