City of St. Louis Recreation Programs

The City offers many different programs at its 7 recreation centers, including boxing, arts and crafts, media production, dance, fitness, computer skills, summer camps, swimming and more.

Name Location Min Age Max Age Sex Openings
12th & Park 12 & Under Basketball Practice 5 12 all n/a
12th & Park Boxing: 8 & Older 8 18 all n/a
12th & Park Center - Table Tennis Open Play 8 99 all n/a
12th & Park Chess 8 none all n/a
12th & Park Circus Harmony 6 & Older 6 none all n/a
12th & Park Homework Help none none all n/a
12th & Park Weight Room 14 none all n/a
12th and Park Arts and Crafts none none all n/a
12th& Park Game Site For Basketball Season none none all n/a
Adult Slide Dance Class Wohl none none all n/a
Adult Arts & Crafts 12th & Park none none all n/a
Adult Open Play Basketball 12th & Park none none all n/a
Adult Paint Party 12th & Park 18 none all 8
Basketball Open Play- 18 & Under 12th & Park 5 18 all n/a
Boxing Program Tandy Center 7 none all n/a
Buder Adult Cross Fit none none all n/a
Buder Adult Open Gym none none all n/a
Buder Basketball Practice 6 7 all n/a
Buder Circus Harmony 6 15 all n/a
Buder Homework Help none none all n/a
Buder Karate none none all n/a
Buder Youth Open Gym none none all n/a
Chair Aerobics Wohl none none all n/a
CharmD Mentoring Wohl 6 13 female 0
Cheerleading & Dance Gamble 6 16 female n/a
Cherokee Basketball Practice 4 14 all n/a
Cherokee Boxing 8 none all n/a
Cherokee Budweiser Basketball Group none none all n/a
Cherokee Homework Help & Tutoring none none all n/a
Computer Lab & Homework Help Wohl none none all n/a
Dance Program Wohl Center 5 17 all n/a
DJ Kut University Tandy 13 18 all -5
Elite STL Competitors Wrestling Tandy 4 14 all 16
Evening Water Aerobics Tandy Pool none none all n/a
Evening Water Aerobics/Lap Swim Cherokee Pool none none all n/a
Evening Water Aerobics/Lap Swim Wohl Pool none none all n/a
Fitness Center Tandy Center none none all n/a
FRIDAY NIGHT HOOPS Gamble none none all n/a
Gamble Center - Boxing 8 45 all n/a
Gamble Center Open Gym 6 none all n/a
Gameroom 12th & Park Center none none all n/a
Karate Gamble 6 18 all n/a
Kultured Pearlz Cheer/Dance 12th & Park 5 16 all n/a
Learn To Swim Program Wohl Pool none none all n/a
Marquette Boxing none none all n/a
Marquette Cooking and etiquette none none all 19
Marquette Dance 6 none all n/a
Marquette Game Site For Basketball Season none none all n/a
Marquette Movie Night none none all n/a
Marquette Open Gym none none all n/a
Marquette Organized Crafts 13 18 all n/a
Marquette Soccer 6 12 all n/a
Marquette Tutoring none none all n/a
Morning Water Aerobics / Laps Swim Wohl Pool none none all n/a
Morning Lap Swim / Aerobics 12th & Park Pool none none all n/a
Morning Open Aerobics / Lap Swim Tandy Pool none none all n/a
Morning Water Aerobics/Lap Swim Cherokee Pool none none all n/a
Open Gym Tandy none none all n/a
Open Swim 12th & Park none none all n/a
Pee Wee Basketball 12th & Park none none all n/a
Reading Readiness 12th & Park none none all n/a
Senior Bridge Wohl 50 100 all n/a
Senior Walkers Wohl Center none none all n/a
Table Tennis 12th & Park none none all n/a
Tandy Game Site For Basketball Season none none all n/a
Teens of Tomorrow Program Gamble 6 18 all n/a
Tennis Wohl Center none none all n/a
Walk Fit 18 & Older 12th & Park none none all n/a
Winter Camp Swim none none all n/a
Wohl Boxing Program Wohl 8 none all n/a
Wohl Center - Legends Basketball Practice none none all n/a
Wohl Game Site For Basketball Season none none all n/a
Wohl Water Areobics none none all n/a
Yoga Wohl none none all 11
Zumba Wohl none none all n/a

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