North Riverfront Open Space and Redevelopment Plan (Adopted December 2015)
The North Riverfront Open Space & Redevelopment Plan was completed in September 2015 and adopted by the Planning Commission in December 2015.

Publication Date: 01/20/2016
Document Type: Plans and Reports
Planning & Urban Design Agency
The North Riverfront Open Space & Redevelopment Plan was completed in September 2015 by a multi-disciplined team of consultants led by Forum Studios. The purpose of the plan was to develop a vision for the riverfront which would take advantage of the location and rich history of the site to develop a world-class destination where one can live, learn, work, and play. The North Riverfront Open Space & Redevelopment plan is the culmination of a design process than began in January 2015 with the initial meeting of Stakeholders and Technical Advisory Committee members and ended with a Town Hall Public Meeting on July 8, 2015.
The North Riverfront Open Space & Redevelopment Plan is generally bounded by the Eads Bridge on the south, the Riverfront on the east, the Stan Musial Veterans Memorial Bridge to the north, and North Broadway to the west.
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