Neighborhood Planning Strategy out for Public Comment!

The City's Planning & Urban Design Agency is seeking your feedback on the Strategy for deploying the Neighborhood Planning Initiative in the City of St. Louis!

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The Economic Development Sales Tax passed by the voters of the City, presented the City's Planning & Urban Design Agency with a unique opportunity to develop a neighborhood planning strategy that would move St. Louis forward in a positive way. In order to do so we have taken a look at planning practices in St. Louis and how it has shaped where we are today, what are the best planning practices and how they can be integrated in St. Louis.

2021_Pt1 DRAFT  2021_Pt2 DRAFT  2021_Pt3 DRAFT

The Strategy is a 3-part report synthesizing research, data analysis, and stakeholder engagement and serves as starting point to gather feedback from all St. Louisans who will guide us in moving the neighborhood planning strategy forward in a thoughtful and equitable manner.

Part One of the 3-part report provides a synopsis of planning in the past, and new and innovative planning across the country and the world.

Part Two of this report provides summaries of discussions with St. Louis community stakeholders to ensure that while we consider best practices in our strategy that we also consider what unique aspects of St. Louis require a unique response in the way that neighborhood planning is deployed.

The research, information, and discussions synthesized in the first two parts, feed into the third which outlines the neighborhood planning strategy which the City's Planning and Urban Design Agency aims to take on. It includes general guiding principles, an overview of the planning process, including public engagement and what topics will be covered. Finally, the last page of the document includes a map of the proposed neighborhood planning clusters which would undergo the planning process together.

Every aspect of this report is up for public feedback and comment!

While we are always be happy to take feedback or suggestions at any point in time, we will take all comments received by August 6th and integrate it into the final Strategy to be published by the end of August.

Let us know your thoughts

Via this short survey.

or email your written feedback to:

or brought or delivered to:

Planning & Urban Design Agency
1520 Market Street, Suite 2000
St. Louis, MO  63103

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