Garden Location 3312 SHENANDOAH AV

Millkweeds for Monarchs Garden

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Neighborhood: Tower Grove East

Garden planter: Adults

Approximate planting date: 06/18/2014

Type of property: Home

Contains Milkweed Plant: Yes

Plants: I have a double lot with a mix of trees, shrubs, flowers and a few vegetables. I've lived here for about 5 years and have been in the process of establishing the garden since moving here. I've planted about 30 trees and am more recently focusing on the flowers. I have 4 different varieties of milkweed plants. Nectar sources include Black-eyed Susans, purple coneflower, phlox, goldenrod, impatiens, lilac. I have planted areas in the areas between the sidewalk and street, the front yard areas, around a patio in back and around the perimeter of the side yard. I plan to plant out one side of my front as an exclusive monarch area in addition to my existing plantings.

Contains nectar sources: Has plants with nectar sources

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