Garden Location 3634 BELLERIVE BLVD

Millkweeds for Monarchs Garden

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Neighborhood: Holly Hills

Garden planter: Adults

Organization or group: NA

Approximate planting date: 09/07/2014

Type of property: Home

Contains Milkweed Plant: Yes

Plants: My entire back yard is pretty much a garden with the exception of a hardscaped patio - I estimate it's about 1000 square feet, which would include both ornamental and food plants. I have a Silver certification from Audubon's Bring Conservation Home program and many, many native plants and shrubs. This fall I planted a more specific butterfly garden that includes goldenrod, false blue indigo, false sunflower, new england aster, purple coneflower, pale purple coneflower, indian pink, golden alexander, missouri coneflower, butterfly weed, swamp milkweed and common milkweed. I don't have a decent photo of this new planting, but included one from another part of the yard.

Contains nectar sources: Has plants with nectar sources

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