Garden Location 5655-61 MAPLE AV

Millkweeds for Monarchs Garden

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Neighborhood: West End

Garden planter: Adults and Children

Organization or group: 1711 Maple Block Unit

Approximate planting date: 10/10/2015

Type of property: Other

Contains Milkweed Plant: Yes

Plants: 275 sq ft (25.5 sq meter) in three plots (two @ 25' x 25' and 5' x 5') containing 10 Butterfly milkweed, 16 Swamp/Marsh milkweed, 4 Whorled milkweed, 16 Purple coneflower, 9 Orange coneflower, 8 Bee balm, 4 MO black-eyed Susan, 4 Rose Verbena, 8 Missouri primrose; 12 Royal catchfly will be added in the Spring. The beds originally contained 6 Purple coneflowers; and Prairie Dropseed that were removed. Three other plots 465 sq ft (43.1 sq meter; 29' x 5', 23' x 5' and 41' x 5') remain to be planted when additional plants are sourced, so remaining Prairie Dropseed can be removed. If possible, i'd like two Garden Signs since our garden plots are on two sides of Maple Ave, and they cover an area extending 70' on each side.

Contains nectar sources: Has plants with nectar sources

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