Garden Location 3200-348 POTOMAC ST

Millkweeds for Monarchs Garden

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Neighborhood: Gravois Park

Garden planter: Adults and Children

Organization or group: Growing Gravois Park

Approximate planting date: 11/07/2015

Type of property: Other

Contains Milkweed Plant: Yes

Plants: This monarch garden is located in the beds around the pavilion in Gravois Park. Among other non-qualifying plants, this garden contains 13 Orange Coneflower, 12 Butterfly Milkweed, 5 Purple Coneflower, 5 Black-eyed Susan, 12 whorled milkweed, 4 Bee Balm, and 3 New England Aster plants. The garden is split more or less evenly between the four beds around the pavilion and would qualify as four separate Monarch butterfly gardens, and as such, we respectfully request four signs for this garden. The total area of the beds is just under 700 sf and has some room for future additions.

Contains nectar sources: Has plants with nectar sources

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