Garden Location 5736 MILENTZ AV

Millkweeds for Monarchs Garden

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Neighborhood: Princeton Heights

Garden planter: Adults

Approximate planting date: 05/01/2016

Type of property: Home

Contains Milkweed Plant: Yes

Plants: This Milentz monarch Garden has 9 Pollinator plants and 4 milkweed plants. There are 2 Milkweed Sullivantii type and 2 Swamp milkweed type. 1sky blue aster ,1 yellow cone-flower,1 wild quinine, and 1 Ohio spider wort and 1 prairie Coreopsis plants that complete the garden. These plants will be surrounded by many native plants to Missouri as well as companions to the Butterfly Garden to complete the overall native Butterfly and hummingbird attraction garden.

Contains nectar sources: Has plants with nectar sources

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