Garden Location 4316 BEETHOVEN AV

Millkweeds for Monarchs Garden

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Neighborhood: Bevo Mill

Garden planter: Adults

Organization or group: aided by a Jefferson County Master Gardener

Approximate planting date: 05/09/2015

Type of property: Home

Contains Milkweed Plant: Yes

Plants: Garden is approximately 4'x6' located in the most south eastern corner of my property. Bordered by the alley, , my garage and my vegetable garden. There are probably 10+purple cone flowers and 5+ chickory in this space for several years. I added 2 black eyed susans, 2 Marsh Milkweed, 2 Bee Balm and Butterfly weed. I also have Whorled Milkweed planted in a large planter (because I have limited space and this is the most invasive of the plants). It started out as 1 and there are at least 3 now. You can't see all of the plants in the picture attached but you can see the monarch on the milkweed.

Contains nectar sources: Has plants with nectar sources

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