Garden Location 4339 GERMANIA ST

Millkweeds for Monarchs Garden

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Neighborhood: Boulevard Heights

Garden planter: Adults

Organization or group: Annie Riggs Music

Approximate planting date: 05/11/2023

Type of property: Home

Contains Milkweed Plant: Yes

Plants: There are 32 native prairie plants in my garden (listed below), with a combination of Milkweed plants and nectar sources. It is located in a south-facing part of my yard, next to the sidewalk, along Germania, across from RDP. Wildflowers 3 - Red Milkweed 3 - Butterfly Weed for Clay 1 - New England Aster 3 - Pale Purple Coneflower 3 - Purple Coneflower 2 - Sweet Joe Pye Weed 3 - Meadow Blazing Star 3 - Prairie Blazing Star 1 - Ohio Goldenrod 1 - Ironweed Grasses Sedges 4 - Little Bluestem 5 - Prairie Dropseed

Contains nectar sources: Has plants with nectar sources

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