Report Illegal Dumping

How to report illegal dumping of any waste in the City of St. Louis.

Begin online Call 314-622-4800


When Residents and Non-Residents illegally dump trash in St. Louis City alley ways and dumpsters or vacant lots the city tracks and fines the violation.

The St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department's Environmental Investigations Unit is the authority that targets illegal dumping in alleys and lots in the City of St. Louis.

Residents too can assist in our effort to keep the city clean by reporting violations and/or providing detailed information.

Illegal dumping is dumping of any waste, whether it is oil, furniture, appliances, trash, litter, yard waste or others upon any public right-of-way, City property or private property, without consent of the owner.


Prepare any helpful information:

  • Address, street, or intersection of the violation
  • Date, time and location of incident
  • Description of vehicle and license plate number
  • Description of person(s) dumping
  • What items/materials were being dumped
  • Your name and phone number (optional)


If you are witnessing illegal dumping in process, call the police non emergency number at (314) 231-1212 so staff can begin an immediate investigation.

  • Report Incident to the CSB using the "Begin Online" button below
  • Choose the most accurate violation type
  • Provide the correct address of the location
  • Provide a detailed description of the violation (type of debris, vehicle involved, time of day if known, what you have observed, etc.).

Begin online Call 314-622-4800


No fees associated with reporting Illegal dumping.

What to Expect

Issue a work order for remediation and trash removal.

Refer the incident for Investigation if warranted.

If the information submitted to the Environmental Investigations Unit leads to an arrest and conviction of persons who engage in illegal dumping, the person who reported the incident may receive a monetary reward.


Additional Information


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