[2.37] Economic Impact Assistance: Other

Showing all ARPA projects under this category

Total Projects

Total Projects

Total Appropriations

Total Appropriations

Total Programmed Funds

Total Programmed
95.8% programmed of appropriation

Total Expenditures

Total Expenditures
6.4% expended of appropriation

Appropriations, Programmed Funds, and Expenditures

Appropriations, Programmed Funds, and Expenditures


Project Name Ordinance Board Bill Appropriation Programmed Expenditures
Child Support Arrears: Father Support Center 71393 BB2 (2021-2022) $909,091.00 $909,091.00 $490,446.08
Gateway Go (Bi-State) 71393 BB2 (2021-2022) $250,000.00 $250,000.00 $250,000.00
Neighborhood and Capital Planning 71393 BB2 (2021-2022) $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Neighborhood Beautification 71592: College Hill 23-NT-25 71592 BB125 (2022-2023) $469,375.00 $469,375.00 $0.00
Neighborhood Beautification 71592: Gravois Park Block Link 23-NT-24 71592 BB125 (2022-2023) $83,204.00 $83,204.00 $0.00
Neighborhood Beautification 71592: North Newstead Association 23-NT-19 71592 BB125 (2022-2023) $490,400.00 $490,400.00 $0.00
Neighborhood Beautification 71592: SLACO 23-NT-22 71592 BB125 (2022-2023) $479,297.00 $479,297.00 $0.00
Neighborhood Beautification: Forestry Lot Maintenance and Equipment 21-SL-92-05 71592 BB125 (2022-2023) $1,680,000.00 $1,620,503.40 $384,120.00
Neighborhood Beautification: Operation Brightside 21-SL-92-02 71592 BB125 (2022-2023) $350,000.00 $341,405.16 $341,405.16
New Dimensions Soccer Program 71393 BB2 (2021-2022) $100,000.00 $100,000.00 $37,558.74
North City Commercial Corridors : SLDC 71696 BB37 (2023-2024) $37,000,000.00 $37,000,000.00 $893,111.00
Parks Nothing But Nets Basketball Leagues 71393 BB2 (2021-2022) $650,000.00 $532,863.69 $427,709.05
Recreation Programming 71864 71864 BB34 (2024-2025) $253,787.15 $0.00 $0.00
SENIOR SERVICES (SLAAA) 71393 BB2 (2021-2022) $466,760.00 $0.00 $0.00
Senior Services 71591 71591 BB116 (2022-2023) $1,000,000.00 $0.00 $0.00
Senior Services: Aging Advantage 71393 BB2 (2021-2022) $292,100.00 $292,100.00 $4,900.00
Senior Services: Five Star Senior Center Inc. 71393 BB2 (2021-2022) $249,000.00 $249,000.00 $0.00
Senior Services: Hosco Shift Inc. 71393 BB2 (2021-2022) $524,000.00 $524,000.00 $0.00
Senior Services: House of Pais, Inc 71393 BB2 (2021-2022) $76,500.00 $76,500.00 $44,931.00
Senior Services: LifeWiseSTL 71393 BB2 (2021-2022) $28,800.00 $28,800.00 $0.00
Senior Services: Northside Youth and Senior Services 71393 BB2 (2021-2022) $264,840.00 $264,840.00 $8,324.00
Senior Services: St. Louis Activity Center 71393 BB2 (2021-2022) $98,000.00 $98,000.00 $0.00
Sustainability Plan Update 71591 71591 BB116 (2022-2023) $125,000.00 $125,000.00 $28,880.00


  • Appropriated Funds: Total amount of authorized funding set aside for a specific purpose
  • Programmed Funds: Estimate and Apportionment (E&A) approved contracts, personnel services, Board Bill approved Intergovernmental agreements (IGA)
  • Expenditures: Total amount spent by departments

Notes and Contact

ARPA(SLFRF and ERA) reporting will be updated on a rolling monthly basis.

The Project and Expenditure data reported is through Sep 30, 2024.

The data was last updated on Nov 15, 2024.

ARPA - American Rescue Plan Act ($510,518,052.20)
SLFRF - Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds ($498,076,054.00)
ERA - Emergency Rental Assistance ($12,441,998.20)

Please contact STLARPA@stlouis-mo.gov if you have questions about the data.

See Also

An overview of ARPA data can also be found on the ARPA Transparency Portal

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