Health Services, Youth Services, Hope Is Moving In Initiative
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Services and Information
Biddle Housing Opportunities Center
About the Biddle Housing Opportunities Center's Daytime Service Center and Overnight Emergency Shelter project -
Biddle Housing Opportunity Center Brochure
Brochure to download and distribute information regarding Biddle Housing Opportunities Center. -
Case Management Standards
Department of Human Services, Homeless Services Division Case Management Standards last updated on June 2018 -
Client Privacy and Security Notice
City of St. Louis - Department of Human Services Homeless Missourians Information System (HMIS) Privacy and Security Notice -
Continuum of Care (CoC) Plan
The US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) awards Homeless Assistance Program funding through what is known as the Continuum of Care (CoC) for a community. -
Department of Human Services Presentation to Health and Human Services Board of Aldermen Committee
Presentation by Irene Agustin given to the Health and Human Services Board of Aldermen Committee on 10/31/2019 about the City of St. Louis and St. Louis City Continuum of Care leading the effort in ending homelessness in the region. -
Domestic and Family Violence Help
Listings of organizations that can help with leaving domestic or family violence situations, finding housing, childcare, counseling, legal support, and safety plans for City of St. Louis residents. -
Fall Awards (Current)
Current awards made by the Affordable Housing Commission -
Health Services for Homeless
Listing of a variety of health services available to the homeless population. -
Help for Youth
Listings of organizations that can help St. Louis City youth with housing, education, substance use, employment and other issues. -
Homeless Resources
Listing of homeless service providers under different categories -
Homeless Youth Services
Services for youths (under 18 years of age) who are homeless. -
Housing Help
Resources for people in St. Louis who need assistance with temporary or transitional housing, or who need financial help with housing or utility bills. -
How To Apply For Funding
The materials are designed to help new and inexperienced applicants understand how to apply for Trust Fund dollars, what is expected of all proposals, and what documentation is required. -
Inclement Weather and Shelter Access
Learn about the Homeless Services Cold Weather Operations and Shelter Process, and find outreach organizations
Departments and Agencies
Homeless Services
Provides a comprehensive approach in responding to the diverse needs of homeless individuals and families in the City of St. Louis. -
Human Services
The Department of Human Services coordinates programming and funding through the Office on the Disabled, Homeless Services, the St. Louis Area Agency on Aging, and Youth and Family Services
Downloadable Forms
St. Louis City CoC Membership Application
Membership application for individuals and/or organizations committed to ending homelessness or assisting people who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. -
St. Louis City Continuum of Care Grievance Policy
St. Louis City Continuum of Care Grievance Policy approved by CoC Board on 2/14/2019
Plans and Reports
2018 Point In Time & Housing Inventory Counts
A point-in-time inventory of sheltered and unsheltered homeless persons and beds and units dedicated to serve homeless persons -
2019 Point-in-Time (PIT) & Housing Inventory Counts
A point-in-time inventory of sheltered and unsheltered homeless persons and beds and units dedicated to serve homeless persons -
Advocacy Committee 2010 Goals & Accomplishments
Goals and accomplishments for the St. Louis City CoC Advocacy Committee for calendar year 2010 -
Annual Reports By Year
Affordable Housing Commission's Annual Reports by Fiscal Year (2003-Current) -
Consumer Council Committee 2010 Goals & Accomplishments
Goals and accomplishments for the St. Louis City CoC Consumer Council Committee for calendar year 2010 -
Homeless 2014 Census Data
This report contains the analysis of the data collected on January 29, 2014 point-in-time homeless census count in the City of St. Louis Missouri -
Membership Committee 2010 Goals & Accomplishments
Goals and accomplishments for the St. Louis City CoC Membership Committee for calendar year 2010 -
Moving Forward: Policies, Plans and Strategies for Ending And Preventing Chronic Homelessness
The City of St. Louis is on the cusp of virtually eliminating chronic homelessness. The number of chronically homeless persons has declined as housing and other resources have come on line over the past eight years. -
Progress Report on the 10 Year Plan
5 year update on the 10-Year Plan to End Chronic Homelessness -
Ranking & Review Committee 2010 Goals & Accomplishments
Goals and accomplishments for the St. Louis City CoC Ranking & Review Committee for calendar year 2010 -
Reports to the Community
The Affordable Housing Commission Reports to the Community describe the state of affordable housing in the City of St. Louis. -
Revised 2012 ESG Action Plan
The 2012 ESG Action Plan was revised to incorporate changes enacted by the HEARTH Act. -
Service Delivery Committee 2010 Goals & Accomplishments
Goals and accomplishments for the St. Louis City CoC Service Delivery Committee for calendar year 2010
Meeting Materials
April 2018 Meeting Agenda
Agenda for the Affordable Housing Commission's April 17, 2018 meeting. -
August 2021 Affordable Housing Commission Meeting Agenda
Agenda for the August 25, 2021 Affordable Housing Commission meeting agenda -
City of St. Louis 2023 Affordable Housing Report
City of St. Louis 2023 Affordable Housing Report PDF -
January 2019 Commission Meeting Agenda
Agenda for the January 9th, 2019 Affordable Housing Commission -
January 2021 Commission Meeting Agenda
January 2021 Commission Agenda -
June 2020 Affordable Housing Commission Meeting Agenda
Affordable Housing Commission Meeting Agenda for the June 29, 2020 meeting -
June 2021 Affordable Housing Commission Meeting Agenda
Agenda for the June 30, 2021 Affordable Housing Commission meeting agenda -
November 2018 Meeting Agenda
Agenda for the November 14, 2018 Affordable Housing Commission -
November 2019 Affordable Housing Commission Meeting Agenda
Affordable Housing Commission meeting agenda for the November 15, 2019 meeting. -
November 2020 Commission Meeting Agenda
November 2020 Commission Agenda -
September 2019 Commission Meeting Agenda
Affordable Housing Commission meeting agenda for the September 9, 2019 meeting. -
September 2020 Commission Meeting Agenda
Agenda for the September 11, 2020 Commission Meeting
External Resources
Continuum of Care STL
The Continuum of Care (CoC) is a broad based partnership to prevent people within the community from becoming homeless. -
Need Help Now? Dial the MO United Way at 2-1-1.
Help finding disaster relief, warming and cooling center information, emergency childcare and more. -
United Way Missouri/Illinois
The United Way of Greater St. Louis provides directory of services and referrals. -
Veterans Community Project
Veterans Community Project builds specialized communities of tiny homes and services to provide housing stability and address the underlying causes of homelessness
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