Board Bill Number 234 In Session 2017-2018

Ordinance establishing Independent Investigations Unit


BOARD BILL NO. 234 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN BRANDON BOSLEY ALDERWOMAN PAMELA BOYD, ALDERMAN SAMUEL MOORE, ALDERWOMAN MARLENE DAVIS, ALDERMAN FRANK WILLIAMSON, ALDERMAN JEFFREY BOYD, ALDERMAN TERRY KENNEDY, ALDERWOMAN LISA MIDDLEBROOK, ALDERMAN JOHN COLLINS MUHAMMAD, ALDERWOMAN TAMMIKA HUBBARD, PRESIDENT LEWIS REED, ALDERWOMAN CARA SPENCER, ALDERMAN DAN GUENTHER An ordinance authorizing the Circuit Attorney's Office to assume responsibility for investigating possible criminal conduct arising from or in relation to covered officers' involvement in use of force incidents resulting in death or grave bodily injury to a person occurring in the City of St. Louis, and establishing an Independent Investigations Unit within the Office of the Circuit Attorney's Office for this purpose with an annual budget in an amount equal to 1% of the annual budget of the City of St. Louis Division of Police, and containing an emergency clause.



Legislative History

Legislative activities for this board bill. Learn more about what these activities mean.

  • 01/12/2018

    First Reading

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