Ordinance 68793

Ord. pertaining to Public Art

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BOARD BILL NUMBER 2 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN ANTONIO FRENCH, PRESIDENT LEWIS REED, ALDERWOMAN KACIE STARR TRIPLETT, ALDERMAN SHANE COHN, ALDERWOMAN DIONNE FLOWERS, ALDERMAN GREGORY CARTER, ALDERMAN JOSEPH VACCARO, ALDERMAN CHARLES Q. TROUPE, ALDERMAN FREEMAN BOSLEY, SR., ALDERMAN SAMUEL MOORE, ALDERMAN TERRY KENNEDY, ALDERMAN FRANK WILLIAMSON, ALDERMAN CRAIG SCHMID, ALDERWOMAN MARLENE DAVIS, ALDERMAN JEFFREY BOYD, ALDERWOMAN APRIL FORD-GRIFFIN An ordinance pertaining to public art; with legislative findings and definitions of terms; establishing a Public Art Trust Fund; providing for funds to be administered by the Regional Arts Commission; providing for the use of funds; defining the powers and duties of the Regional Arts Commission; defining other personnel duties; providing for disbursements from such fund; providing that certain Art-Qualified Projects as herein defined and certain grant requests or applications shall include in their budgets an allocation for Public Art as herein defined; providing for the application of funds; providing for review procedures; and with a severability provision.


Session: 2010-2011

Board Bill Number: 2

Primary Sponsors: Antonio D French

Committee: Ways and Means

Effective: 12/18/2010

Legislative History

  • 04/30/2010

    First Reading

  • 10/15/2010

    Second Reading

  • 10/15/2010


  • 10/22/2010

    Informal Calendar

  • 10/29/2010


  • 11/05/2010

    Third Reading


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