Ordinance 70184
Earnings Tax
BOARD BILL No. # 265 INTRODUCED BY: ALDERMAN STEPHEN CONWAY, ALDERWOMAN CARA SPENCER, ALDERWOMAN DIONNE FLOWERS, ALDERWOMAN TAMMIKA HUBBARD, ALDERWOMAN CHRISTINE INGRASSIA, ALDERMAN JOHN COATAR, ALDERMAN JOSEPH VOLLMER, ALDERMAN THOMAS VILLA, ALDERMAN LARRY ARNOWITZ, ALDERWOMAN BETH MURPHY, ALDERWOMAN CAROL HOWARD, ALDERWOMAN MEGAN GREEN, ALDERWOMAN DONNA BARINGER, ALDERMAN ANTONIO FRENCH, ALDERMAN JEFFREY BOYD, ALDERMAN JOSEPH VACCARO, ALDERMAN SCOTT OGILVIE, ALDERMAN SHANE COHN, ALDERMAN FRANK WILLIAMSON, ALDERMAN CHRIS CARTER, ALDERWOMAN LYDA KREWSON, ALDERMAN KENNETH ORTMANN, PRESIDENT LEWIS REED, ALDERWOMAN MARLENE DAVIS, ALDERWOMAN CHRISTINE INGRASSIA An ordinance submitting to the qualified voters of the City of St. Louis, pursuant to section 92.115 RSMo., the question whether to continue the earnings tax imposed by the City of St. Louis for a period of five years; providing for an election and the manner of voting thereat; providing that if such question shall receive the votes of a majority of the voters voting thereon that such earnings tax shall continue; and containing a severability clause and emergency clause.
Session: 2015-2016
Board Bill Number: 265
Primary Sponsors: Stephen Conway
Committee: Ways and Means
Effective: 01/22/2016
Dionne Flowers, Tammika Hubbard, Christine Ingrassia, Jack Coatar, Kenneth Ortmann, Joseph Vollmer, Thomas A Villa, Larry Arnowitz, Beth Murphy, Carol Howard, Megan E Green, Donna Baringer, Marlene E Davis, Cara Spencer, Antonio D French, Jeffrey L Boyd, Joseph Vaccaro, Scott Ogilvie, Shane Cohn, Frank Williamson, Chris Carter, Lyda Krewson, President Lewis E Reed
Legislative History
First Reading
Second Reading
Third Reading