Ordinances by Topic Business Regulation and Licensing

Ordinances tagged with this topic

List all 113 records
Ordinance #: Title Effective
71897 Operating Hours of Marijuana Dispensaries
An Ordinance amending Section B of Chapter 26.70.040 of the Revised Code of the City of St. Louis to extend the permitted operating hours of marijuana dispensaries.
71866 Airport Use and Lease Agreement (“AUA”)
This Board Bill authorizes the Third Amendment to the Airport Use and Lease Agreement (“AUA”) with airlines listed in Exhibit A. The Third Amendment extends the term to end on June 30, 2027. The Board Bill contains a severability clause.
71844 Amending the 2018 International Fire Code
This ordinance is to amend the 2018 International Fire Code to incorporate and implement best practices for periodic Fire Damper and Smoke Damper inspections. The 2018 IFC’s scope, definitions, and purposes remain intact.
71841 Medical Debt Forgiveness
An Ordinance recommended by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment amending Section One of Ordinance Number 71554; and appropriating a portion of the funds received under the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, Section 9901, Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Act (the “Act”), authorizing certain expenditures of such funds, to the extent received, authorizing contracts and other documents to expend such funds, to the extent received, and containing a severability clause and emergency clause.
71835 Mandatory Registration Process for Residential Rental Units
An Ordinance establishing a mandatory registration process for residential rental units in the City through the City’s Housing Conservation Program; repealing earlier adopted ordinances establishing and amending the Housing Conservation Program; enacting in lieu thereof, an Ordinance pertaining to the same subject matter with provisions setting forth the procedures, requirements, fees, regulations, inspections, issuance and revocation of Certificates of Inspection for dwelling units; adding rental dwelling unit registration; and containing a penalty clause and severability clause.
71828 Liquor Control District 11th Ward
The bill will repeal Ordinance Number 70573, and Ordinance Number 71045, and establishes a new liquor control district within the boundaries of 11th Ward. It will prohibit the issuance of any package liquor or drink licenses for any currently non-licensed premises and the transfer of existing licenses within the district, for a period of five years beginning from the effective date of this ordinance, except as provided in Section Four of the bill.
71823 Liquor Control District 12th Ward
The proposed Bill will prohibit the issuance of any package or drink liquor licenses for any currently non- licensed premises located within the boundaries of the Twelfth Ward Liquor Control District, established by the bill, for a period of four-years from the effective date. Exceptions to the prohibition will allow, during the moratorium period, for the limited transfer of existing licenses, under certain circumstances, and renewal of existing licenses. The proposed bill’s impact on the community will be to decrease numerous peace, health, safety and general welfare problems including loitering, littering, drug trafficking, prostitution, public drunkenness, defacement and damaging of structures, pedestrian obstructions, as well as traffic circulation, parking and noise problems on public streets and neighborhood lots in the 12th Ward Neighborhoods. Thereby preserving the health, safety and welfare of residents of the 12th Ward
71819 Streamlining the Liquor License Application Process
The purpose of this bill is to update the Liquor Code provisions of the City of St. Louis with an emphasis on streamlining the liquor license application process for Restaurants with liquor, enhancing provisions relating to public safety and to incorporate various other changes. The bill eliminates the plat and petition requirements for an initial license application for Restaurants with liquor, allowing an appellate right where same is denied, and adds other provisions, including allowing the Excise Commissioner to retain hearing officers to carry out its functions, increasing the penalties for entities who fail to obtain a liquor license where one is required or where a license is revoked, providing a provision for notice of violations to a license holder, allowing for inspection of certain licensed premises, setting forth an emergency provision for temporary suspension of a license, setting forth a jurisdictional cooperation provision amongst City departments, clarifying contested case procedure for hearing before Excise, and eliminating or alleviating burdensome and restrictions where there is a death or incapacity of a business owner or a change in corporation interest or managing officer.
71785 Tax Increment Financing Plans
This Board Bill determines that the Tax Increment Financing Plans listed in Exhibit “A” that were established five, ten, fifteen or twenty years ago are making satisfactory progress, except as noted, as required by Section 99.865.3 RSMo.
71774 Eleventh Ward Liquor Control District
The proposed bill will establish the Eleventh Ward Liquor Control District. Except as provided in the bill, it will be prohibited to issue any package or drink liquor licenses for any currently non-licensed premises within the boundaries of the Eleventh Ward Liquor Control District for a period of five years.
71740 Airport “Banking Concession Agreement”
This Board Bill authorizes and directs the Director of Airports and Comptroller of the City to execute the “Banking Concession Agreement” between the City of St. Louis, Missouri and The U.S. Bank National Association. This Board Bill contains a severability clause.
71664 Thirteenth Ward Liquor Control District
The proposed bill repeals Ordinance Number 71506, concerning the issuance of liquor licenses, and enacts new ordinance prohibiting the issuance of any package or drink liquor licenses for any currently non-licensed premises within the boundaries of the Thirteenth Ward Liquor Control District for period of five years, except for the transfer of existing licenses, and the issuance of a drink license to persons operating a restaurant at a previously non-licensed premises.
70832 Redevelopment Plan for the 5780 McPherson Ave.
An ordinance approving a Redevelopment Plan for the 5780 McPherson Ave. Area ("Area") after finding that the Area is blighted as defined in Section 99.320 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, 2016, as amended, (the "Statute" being Sections 99.300 to 99.715 inclusive), containing a description of the boundaries of said Area in the City of St. Louis ("City"), attached hereto and incorporated herein as Attachment "A", finding that redevelopment and rehabilitation of the Area is in the interest of the public health, safety, morals and general welfare of the people of the City; approving the Plan dated March 27, 2018, for the Area ("Plan"), incorporated herein by attached Exhibit "B", pursuant to Section 99.430; finding that there is a feasible financial plan for the development of the Area which affords maximum opportunity for development of the Area by private enterprise; finding that no property in the Area may be acquired by the Land Clearance for Redevelopment Authority of the City of St. Louis ("LCRA") through the exercise of eminent domain; finding that the property within the Area is unoccupied, but if it should become occupied the Redeveloper shall be responsible for relocating any eligible occupants displaced as a result of implementation of the Plan; finding that financial aid may be necessary to enable the Area to be redeveloped in accordance with the Plan; finding that there shall be available 10 year tax abatement (first 5 years based on 90% of the assessed value of the incremental improvements and second 5 years based on 0% of the assessed value of the incremental improvements) ; and pledging cooperation of the Board of Aldermen and requesting various officials, departments, boards and agencies of the City to cooperate and to exercise their respective powers in a manner consistent with the Plan.
70827 An ordinance approving a Redevelopment Plan for 3452 Oregon.
An ordinance approving a Redevelopment Plan for 3452 Oregon.
70813 business license regulations set forth in Title 8
An Ordinance concerning certain business license regulations set forth in Title 8, which require the completion of a plat and neighborhood consent petition prior to obtaining an occupancy permit; repealing Ordinances 56788, 57294, and 58645, pertaining to Arcades and codified as Chapter 8.16 of the Revised Code of the City of St. Louis (“ Revised Code”) and enacting in lieu thereof a new Chapter on the same subject matter; repealing Ordinances 56859, 57071, and 68570, pertaining to Bathhouses and codified as Chapter 8.24 of the Revised Code, and enacting in lieu thereof a new Chapter on the same subject matter; repealing Ordinance 62566, pertaining to Bed and Breakfast establishments and codified as Chapter 8.25 of the Revised Code, and enacting in lieu thereof a new Chapter on the same subject matter; repealing Ordinances 55051, 61762, and 64299 and any and all superseding ordinances pertaining to Billiard and Pool Rooms and codified as Chapter 8.26 of the Revised Code, and enacting in lieu thereof a new Chapter on the same subject matter; repealing Ordinances 31271, 41524, 49621, 54691, 57494, 58470 and 61095 pertaining to Dance Halls and codified as Chapter 8.32 of the Revised Code, and enacting in lieu thereof a new Chapter on the same subject matter; repealing Ordinances 55784, 57502, 63461, 64878, and 69096 and any and all superseding ordinances pertaining to Pawnbrokers and codified as Chapter 8.72 of the Revised Code, and enacting in lieu thereof a new Chapter on the same subject matter; repealing Ordinance 56858 pertaining to Public Photographic Studios and codified as Chapter 8.78 of the Revised Code, and enacting in lieu thereof a new Chapter on the same subject matter; repealing Ordinances 57404 and 68571 pertaining to Tattoo Parlors and codified as Chapter 8.97 of the Code, and enacting in lieu thereof a new Chapter on the same subject matter; repealing Ordinance 26445, pertaining to the requirement of a consent petition required for certain types of businesses and codified as Section 8.02.160 of the Revised Code; containing a severability clause; and an effective date clause.
70812 Planning Commission pertaining to the Zoning Code, Title 26
An Ordinance recommended by the Planning Commission pertaining to the Zoning Code, Title 26; requiring that certain uses that are regulated by a plat and petition process under the License Code and Building Code be made a conditional use, prohibited use, or use by right under the Zoning Code; repealing a part of Section One of Ordinance 60483, codified as Section 26.36.020 of the Revised Code of the City of St. Louis (“Revised Code”), pertaining to Use Regulations in the E Multiple-Family Dwelling District and enacting, in lieu thereof, a new section on the same subject matter; repealing a part of Section Five of Ordinance 62588, codified as Section 26.40.025 of the Revised Code, pertaining to Conditional Uses in the F Neighborhood Commercial District and enacting, in lieu thereof, a new section on the same subject matter; repealing Section Six and Section Seven of Ordinance 64167, codified as Section 26.52.020 and 26.52.025 of the Revised Code, pertaining to Use Regulations and Conditional Uses of the I Central Business District and enacting, in lieu thereof, two new sections on the same subject matters; repealing Section Eight of Ordinance 64167, codified as Section 26.56.025 of the Revised Code, pertaining to Conditional Uses of the J Industrial District and enacting, in lieu thereof, a new section on the same subject matter; repealing a part of Section Sixteen of Ordinance 59979, codified as Section 26.60.020 of the Revised Code, pertaining to Use Regulations of the K Unrestricted District and enacting, in lieu thereof, a new section on the same subject matter; repealing Section Nine of Ordinance 64167, codified as Section 26.60.025 of the Revised Code, pertaining to Conditional Uses of the K Unrestricted District and enacting, in lieu thereof, a new section on the same subject matter; and adding a new Section to the Zoning Code, pertaining to Conditional Uses of the L Jefferson Memorial District, to be codified as Section 26.64.025 of the Revised Code; and containing a severability and an effective date clause.
70807 prohibiting the issuance of any 3 a.m. closing permits for any currently non-3am licensed premises within the boundaries of the Twenty-Eighth Ward Liquor Control District
B.B.#62 – Navarro - An ordinance repealing Ordinance 70026 and in lieu thereof enacting a new ordinance prohibiting the issuance of any 3 a.m. closing permits for any currently non-3am licensed premises within the boundaries of the Twenty-Eighth Ward Liquor Control District, as established herein, for a period of three years from the effective date hereof; containing exceptions and allowing, during the moratorium period, for the renewal of or transfer of existing licenses, under certain circumstances, and containing an emergency clause.
70802 2017 National Electrical Code with amendments;
An ordinance adopting the 2017 National Electrical Code with amendments; repealing Ordinance 68831; and containing a penalty clause, severability clause, savings clause, and emergency clause.
70801 2018 International Fuel Gas Code with amendments
An Ordinance adopting the 2018 International Fuel Gas Code with amendments; repealing Ordinance 68638; and containing a penalty clause, severability clause, savings clause, and emergency clause.
70799 2018 International Energy Conservation Code with amendments
An Ordinance adopting the 2018 International Energy Conservation Code with amendments; repealing Ordinance 68792; and containing a penalty clause, severability clause, savings clause, and emergency clause.
70798 2018 International Property Maintenance Code with amendments;
An Ordinance adopting the 2018 International Property Maintenance Code with amendments; repealing Ordinance 68791; and containing a penalty clause, severability clause, savings clause, and emergency clause.
70795 2018 International Residential Code
An Ordinance adopting the 2018 International Residential Code for One- and Two-family Dwellings with amendments, including Appendices E, F, G, H, J, K, M, R, S, and T; repealing Ordinance 68789; and containing a penalty clause, severability clause, savings clause, and emergency clause.
70794 2018 International Building Code
An Ordinance adopting the 2018 International Building Code with amendments, including Appendices E, F, G, H, I and J; repealing Ordinance 68610, Ordinance 68788, and Ordinance 69271; and containing a penalty clause, severability clause, savings clause, and emergency clause.
70780 Fourth Ward Liquor Control District
An ordinance repealing Ordinance 70087 and in lieu thereof enacting a new ordinance prohibiting the issuance of any package or drink liquor licenses for any currently non-licensed premises within the boundaries of the Fourth Ward Liquor Control District, as established herein, for a period of three years from the effective date hereof; containing exceptions and allowing, during the moratorium period, for the transfer of existing licenses, under certain circumstances, and the issuance of a drink license to persons operating a restaurant at a previously non-licensed premises and containing an emergency clause.
70769 Tower Grove South Concerned Citizens Special Business District
An ordinance renewing the Tower Grove South Concerned Citizens Special Business District pursuant to Sections 71.790 through 71.808 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri, setting its boundaries, tax rate, initial rate of levy subject to the approval of the qualified voters, bonding authority, and uses to which tax revenue may be put; creating a board of commissioners; and containing severability, effectiveness, and emergency clauses.
70670 Ordinance repealing Ordinance 70573 pertaining to liquor licenses in the 27th Ward
BOARD BILL NO. 125 INTRODUCED BY ALDERWOMAN PAMELA BOYD An ordinance repealing Ordinance 70573 and in lieu thereof enacting a new ordinance prohibiting the issuance of any package or drink liquor licenses for any currently non-licensed premises within the boundaries of the Twenty-Seventh Ward Liquor Control District, as established herein, for a period of three years from the effective date hereof; containing exceptions and allowing, during the moratorium period, for the transfer of existing licenses, under certain circumstances, the issuance of a drink license to non-profit corporations at currently non-licensed premises, the issuance of a drink license to persons operating a restaurant at a previously non-licensed premises; and containing an emergency clause.
70614 TRANS Bill
BOARD BILL NO. 102 INTRODUCED BY ALDERWOMAN MARLENE E. DAVIS An Ordinance recommended and approved by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment authorizing and directing the Director of Airports and the Comptroller of the City of St. Louis (the "City"), owner and operator of St. Louis Lambert International Airport ™ (the “Airport”) to enter into and execute on behalf of the City the Trans States Holdings, Inc. Airport Office Building Lease Agreement AL-055 (“Agreement”) between the City and Trans States Holdings, Inc. (“Lessee”), granting to the Lessee, subject to and in accordance with the terms, covenants, and conditions of the Agreement, certain rights and privileges in connection with the occupancy and use of the Premises, which is defined and more fully described in Section 201 of the Lease Agreement that was approved by the Airport Commission and is attached hereto as ATTACHMENT “1” and made a part hereof, and its terms are more fully described in Section One of this Ordinance; containing a severability clause; and containing an emergency clause.
70531 amendment to Entertainment License Tax
BOARD BILL NO. 291 INTRODUCED BY ALDERWOMAN CHRISTINE INGRASSIA, ALDERMAN JACK COATAR An ordinance recommended by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment amending Ordinance no. 55390, approved August 16, 1969, as amended by Ordinance No. 55522, approved February 18, 1970, as amended by Ordinance No. 56178, approved June 21, 1972, as amended by Ordinance No. 56912, approved March 6, 1975, as amended by Ordinance No. 62515, approved February 21, 1992, as amended by Ordinance No. 65669, approved October 24, 2002, as amended by Ordinance No. 66772, approved July 18, 2005, and as amended by Ordinance No. 68380, approved June 16, 2009, pertaining to the entertainment license tax as codified in chapter 8.08 of the revised code of the City of St. Louis (the "Code") by adding a new paragraph to section one of said Ordinance No. 55390, as amended, creating a new subclass of taxpayers and fixing a tax rate for such subclass of taxpayers; and containing a severability clause.
70432 Redevelopment agreement for City Foundry TIF
BOARD BILL #199 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN JOSEPH RODDY An Ordinance affirming adoption of a redevelopment plan, redevelopment area, and redevelopment project; authorizing the execution of redevelopment agreement between The City of St. Louis and FoPa Partners, LLC; prescribing the form and details of said agreement; designating FoPa Partners, LLC as developer of the redevelopment area; making certain findings with respect thereto; authorizing other related actions in connection with the redevelopment of certain property within the redevelopment area; and containing a severability clause.
70431 Ordinance approving the use of TIF for City Foundry St. Louis
BOARD BILL #198 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN JOSEPH RODDY An Ordinance designating a portion of The City of St. Louis, Missouri as a redevelopment area known as The City Foundry Saint Louis Redevelopment Area pursuant to the Real Property Tax Increment Allocation Redevelopment Act; adopting and approving a redevelopment plan; adopting and approving a redevelopment project for redevelopment project area 1 as described in the Redevelopment Plan with respect thereto; adopting tax increment financing within the redevelopment project area 1; making findings with respect thereto; establishing The City Foundry Saint Louis Special Allocation Fund; authorizing certain actions by City officials; and containing a severability clause.
70402 Ordinance prohibiting liquor in 18th Ward
BOARD BILL NO. 181 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN TERRY KENNEDY An ordinance repealing Ordinance 69399 and 69006 and in lieu thereof enacting a new ordinance prohibiting the issuance of any package or drink liquor licenses for any currently non-licensed premises within the boundaries of the Eighteenth Ward Liquor Control District, as established herein, for a period of three years from the effective date hereof; containing exceptions and allowing, during the moratorium period, for the transfer of existing licenses, under certain circumstances, and the issuance of a drink license to persons operating a restaurant at a previously non-licensed premises and containing an emergency clause
70399 Raising the age to 21 for sales of nicotine products
BOARD BILL #169 INTRODUCED BY ALDERWOMAN DIONNE FLOWERS An ordinance amending Chapter 11 of the Revised Code of the City of St. Louis by repealing and re-enacting sections 11.32.110, 11.32.120, 11.32.130, 11.32.140, 11.32.150, 11.32.160, 11.32.170, 11.76.010, 11.76.020, 11.76.030 and 11.76.040 to raise the age to 21 years old for sales and distribution of tobacco products, containing definitions; establishing penalties for violations; and containing a severability and an emergency clause.
70339 Southwest Lease AL-019
BOARD BILL NO. 71 INTRODUCED BY ALDERWOMAN LYDA KREWSON An Ordinance recommended and approved by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment authorizing and directing the Director of Airports and the Comptroller of The City of St. Louis (the "City") to enter into and execute on behalf of the City the Lambert-St. Louis International Airport® (the "Airport") Lease Agreement No. AL-019 (the “Lease Agreement”), between the City and Southwest Airlines Company (the “Lessee”), granting to the Lessee, subject to and in accordance with the terms, covenants, and conditions of the Lease Agreement, certain rights and privileges in connection with the occupancy and use of the Premises, which is defined and more fully described in Section 201 of the Lease Agreement that was approved by the Airport Commission and is attached hereto as ATTACHMENT “1” and made a part hereof, and its terms are more fully described in Section One of this Ordinance; containing a severability clause; and containing an emergency clause.
70321 Transparency in Government
BOARD BILL NO. 67 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN ANTONIO FRENCH An ordinance revising The Transparency in Government Law, Ordinance 69707, codified at Chapter 3.115 of the Revised Code of the City of St. Louis, to require the video recording of all public meetings of the St. Louis Board of Aldermen, including committee meetings; the Board of Estimate & Apportionment; the Board of Public Service; and the Preservation Board.
70284 Repealing prohibition of liquor in Ward 22
BOARD BILL NO. 18 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN JEFFREY BOYD An ordinance repealing Ordinance 68785 and 69594, which had prohibited the issuance of any package or drink liquor licenses for any currently non-licensed premises within the boundaries of the Twenty-Second Ward Liquor Control District.
70282 Prohibiting liquor in 24th Ward
BOARD BILL NO. 52 INTRODUCED BY: ALDERMAN SCOTT OGILVIE An ordinance prohibiting the issuance of any 3 a.m. closing permits for any currently non- 3am licensed premises within the boundaries of the Twenty-Fourth Ward Liquor Control District, as established herein, for a period of three years from the effective date hereof; containing exceptions and allowing, during the moratorium period, for the renewal of or transfer of existing licenses, under certain circumstances, and containing an emergency clause.
70226 Locust Central Business District Budget
BOARD BILL NO. 253 INTRODUCED BY: ALDERWOMAN CHRISTINE INGRASSIA An Ordinance to amend Ordinance No. 58728, approved December 23, 1982, and as amended by Ordinance No. 59248, approved September 10, 1984, and as amended by Ordinance No. 60530, approved October 30, 1987 and as amended by Ordinance No. 65133 approved on January 18, 2001 enlarging the boundaries thereof, and as amended by Ordinance No. 66767 approved on or about June 30, 2005, relating to the Locust Central Business District, a special business district, established pursuant to the provisions of Sections 71.790 – 71.808 R.S.Mo. by repealing Section Seven of Ordinance No. 58728 and enacting a new Section 7 pertaining to the same subject matter; and containing a severability clause.
70167 Liquor moratorium for the 26th Ward
BOARD BILL NO. 246 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN FRANK WILLIAMSON An ordinance prohibiting the issuance of any package liquor license for any non-licensed premises within the boundaries of the Twenty-Sixth Ward Liquor Control District, as established herein, for a period of three years from the effective date hereof; containing exceptions and allowing, during the moratorium period, for the transfer of existing licenses, under certain circumstances; and containing an emergency clause.
69784 Quit Claim Deed to AGC of St. Louis Education Foundation
B.B.#64 – Ingrassia – An ordinance authorizing and directing the Mayor and Comptroller to execute a Quit Claim Deed to AGC of St. Louis Education Foundation for City-owned property located in City Block 480, which property is known as 1230 Grattan, upon receipt of and consideration of the sum of One Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars, containing an emergency clause.
69611 Vacation of alley at Bacon, Cass, Grand
BOARD BILL NO. 183 INTRODUCED BY: ALDERMAN SAMUEL MOORE An ordinance recommended by the Board of Public Service to conditionally vacate above surface, surface and sub-surface rights for vehicle, equestrian and pedestrian travel in 1) the 15 foot wide east/west alley and 2) the southernmost 246.44 feet of the 15 foot wide north/south alley in C.B. 1884 as bounded by C.B. 1885 on the north, Bacon St. on the east, Cass Avenue on the south and Grand Blvd. on the west in the City of St. Louis, Missouri, as hereinafter described, in accordance with Charter authority, and in conformity with Section l4 of Article XXI of the Charter and imposing certain conditions on such vacation.
69597 Prohib. liquor in 10th Ward
69589 Ordinance prohibiting liquor in 19th Ward
BOARD BILL NO. 126 INTRODUCED BY ALDERWOMAN MARLENE DAVIS An ordinance repealing Ordinance 69295 and in lieu thereof enacting a new ordinance prohibiting the issuance of any package or drink liquor licenses for any currently non-licensed premises within the boundaries of the Nineteenth Ward Liquor Control District, as established herein, for a period of three years from the effective date hereof; containing exceptions and allowing, during the moratorium period, for the transfer of existing licenses, under certain circumstances, the issuance of a drink license to non-profit corporations at currently non-licensed premises, the issuance of a drink license to persons operating a restaurant at a previously non-licensed premises and the issuance of liquor licenses in a specifically defined area and containing an emergency clause.
69438 OHM Concession
BOARD BILL NO. 12_ INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN STEPHEN CONWAY An Ordinance recommended and approved by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment authorizing and directing the Director of Airports and the Comptroller of The City of St. Louis (the “City”) to enter into and execute, on behalf of the City, the Lambert-St. Louis International Airport® (“Airport”) Local Concept Food & Beverage Concession Agreement AL-231 (the “Agreement”), between the City and OHM Concession Group, LLC, a limited liability corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Missouri (the "Concessionaire"), granting to the Concessionaire the non-exclusive right, license, and privilege to design, construct, operate, manage, and maintain a Local Concept Food & Beverage Concession at the Airport within the premises as described in the Agreement, subject to and in accordance with the terms, covenants, warranties, and conditions of the Agreement, which was awarded and approved by the Airport Commission and is attached hereto as ATTACHMENT “1” and made a part hereof; and containing a severability clause and an emergency clause.
69401 Ordinance prohibiting liquor in 24th Ward
BOARD BILL NO. 293 INTRODUCED BY: ALDERMAN SCOTT OGILVIE An ordinance prohibiting the issuance of any 3 a.m. closing permits for any currently non- 3am licensed premises within the boundaries of the Twenty-Fourth Ward Liquor Control District, as established herein, for a period of three years from the effective date hereof; containing exceptions and allowing, during the moratorium period, for the renewal of or transfer of existing licenses, under certain circumstances, and containing an emergency clause.
69399 Ordinance prohibiting liquor in the 18th Ward
BOARD BILL NO. 290 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN TERRY KENNEDY An ordinance repealing Ordinance 69006 and in lieu thereof enacting a new ordinance prohibiting the issuance of any package or drink liquor licenses for any currently non-licensed premises within the boundaries of the Eighteenth Ward Liquor Control District, as established herein, for a period of three years from the effective date hereof; containing exceptions and allowing, during the moratorium period, for the transfer of existing licenses, under certain circumstances, and the issuance of a drink license to persons operating a restaurant at a previously non-licensed premises and containing an emergency clause.
69393 Quit claim for 1211 N. Tucker
BOARD BILL # 270 Introduced by Alderwoman Tammika Hubbard An ordinance authorizing and directing the Mayor and Comptroller of the City of St. Louis to execute a Quit Claim Deed to KLR KATO LLC for certain City-owned property located in City Block 564E, which property is known as 1211 N. Tucker Blvd., upon receipt of and in consideration of the sum of Two Hundred Thousand Dollars ($200,000.00), and containing an emergency clause.
69295 Liquor moratorium in the 19th Ward
BOARD BILL NO. 206 INTRODUCED BY: ALDERWOMAN MARLENE DAVIS An ordinance repealing Ordinance 68999 and in lieu thereof enacting a new ordinance prohibiting the issuance of any package or drink liquor licenses for any currently non-licensed premises within the boundaries of the Nineteenth Ward Liquor Control District, as established herein, for a period of three years from the effective date hereof; containing exceptions and allowing, during the moratorium period, for the transfer of existing licenses, under certain circumstances, the issuance of a drink license to non-profit corporations at currently non-licensed premises, and the issuance of a drink license to persons operating a restaurant at a previously non-licensed premises and containing an emergency clause.
69159 Prohibiting the issuance of any 3:00 a.m. closing permits in 28th Ward
BOARD BILL NO. 4 INTRODUCED BY: ALDERWOMAN LYDA KREWSON An ordinance prohibiting the issuance of any 3 a.m. closing permits for any currently non- 3am licensed premises within the boundaries of the Twenty-Eighth Ward Liquor Control District, as established herein, for a period of three years from the effective date hereof; containing exceptions and allowing, during the moratorium period, for the renewal of or transfer of existing licenses, under certain circumstances, and containing an emergency clause.
69158 Ordinance pertaining to liquor in the 3rd Ward
BOARD BILL NO. 3 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN FREEMAN BOSLEY, SR. An ordinance repealing Ordinance 69094 pertaining to the issuance of any package or drink liquor licenses for premises within the boundaries of the Third Ward Liquor Control District and in lieu thereof containing the following supplementary exemptions: renewal of an existing license and the establishment of an Entertainment District; and containing an emergency clause.
69095 Prohibiting package liquor in the Fourth Ward
BOARD BILL NO. 252 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN SAMUEL L. MOORE An ordinance repealing Ordinance 69004 and in lieu thereof enacting a new ordinance prohibiting the issuance of any package or drink liquor licenses for any currently non-licensed premises within the boundaries of the Fourth Ward Liquor Control District, as established herein, for a period of three years from the effective date hereof; containing exceptions and allowing, during the moratorium period, for the transfer of existing licenses, under certain circumstances, and the issuance of a drink license to persons operating a restaurant at a previously non-licensed premises and containing an emergency clause.
69094 Repealing Ord. 69000 re: liquor in Ward 3
BOARD BILL NO. 194 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN FREEMAN BOSLEY, SR. An ordinance repealing Ordinance 69000 pertaining to the issuance of any package or drink liquor licenses for premises within the boundaries of the Third Ward Liquor Control District and in lieu thereof containing the following supplementary exemptions: renewal of an existing license and the establishment of an Entertainment District; and containing an emergency clause.
69009 Prohibiting liquor in 14th Ward
BOARD BILL NO. 176 INTRODUCED BY ALDERWOMAN CAROL HOWARD An ordinance prohibiting the issuance of any package or drink liquor licenses for any currently non-licensed premises within the boundaries of the Fourteenth Ward Liquor Control District, as established herein, for a period of three years from the effective date hereof; containing an exception allowing, during the moratorium period, for the transfer of existing licenses, under certain circumstances, and the issuance of a drink license to persons operating a restaurant at a previously non-licensed premises; and containing an emergency clause.
69006 Prohib. liquor in the 18th Ward
BOARD BILL NO. 29 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN TERRY KENNEDY An ordinance prohibiting the issuance of any package liquor license for any non-licensed premises within the boundaries of the Eighteenth Ward Liquor Control District, as established herein, for a period of three years from the effective date hereof; containing exceptions and allowing, during the moratorium period, for the transfer of existing licenses, under certain circumstances; and containing an emergency clause.
69004 Prohib. liquor in the 4th Ward
BOARD BILL NO. 163 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN SAMUEL L. MOORE An ordinance repealing Ordinance 68131 and in lieu thereof enacting a new ordinance prohibiting the issuance of any package or drink liquor licenses for any currently non-licensed premises within the boundaries of the Fourth Ward Liquor Control District, as established herein, for a period of three years from the effective date hereof; containing exceptions and allowing, during the moratorium period, for the transfer of existing licenses, under certain circumstances, and the issuance of a drink license to persons operating a restaurant at a previously non-licensed premises and containing an emergency clause.
69003 Prohib liquor in the 5th Ward
BOARD BILL NO. 162 INTRODUCED BY ALDERWOMAN APRIL FORD GRIFFIN An ordinance repealing Ordinance 68885 and in lieu thereof enacting a new ordinance prohibiting the issuance of any package liquor license for any non-licensed premises within the boundaries of the Fifth Ward Liquor Control District, as established herein, for a period of three years from the effective date hereof; containing exceptions and allowing, during the moratorium period, for the transfer of existing licenses, under certain circumstances; and containing an emergency clause.
69002 Prohib. liquor in the 10th Ward
BOARD BILL NO. 161 NTRODUCED BY JOSEPH VOLLMER An ordinance repealing Ordinance 68809 and in lieu thereof enacting a new ordinance prohibiting the issuance of any package or drink liquor licenses for any currently non-licensed premises within the boundaries of the Tenth Ward Liquor Control District, as established herein, for a period of three years from the effective date hereof; containing an exception allowing, during the moratorium period, for the transfer of existing licenses, under certain circumstances, and the issuance of a drink license to persons operating a restaurant at a previously non-licensed premises; and containing an emergency clause.
69001 Prohib. liquor in the 20th Ward
BOARD BILL NO. 160 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN CRAIG SCHMID An ordinance repealing ordinance 68841 and enacting a new ordinance confirming the prohibition of the issuance of any package or drink liquor licenses for any currently non-licensed premises within the new boundaries of the Twentieth Ward Liquor Control District, as established herein, for a period of three years from the effective date hereof; containing exceptions allowing, during the period, for the transfer of existing licenses, under certain circumstances; or the issuance of a drink license (no package) to persons operating a restaurant with at least 50% food sales at a previously non-licensed premises; or the issuance of a drink license(no package) to persons operating a premises with a Cherokee Street address from the west curbline of Jefferson Avenue to the east curbline of Nebraska Avenue; or to persons who on the effective date of this ordinance operated a bar for at least three (3) years in compliance with excise laws and continue to operate with at least 20% food sales, thereafter; and containing a severability and emergency clause.
69000 Prohib. liquor in the 3rd Ward
BOARD BILL NO. 159 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN FREEMAN BOSLEY, SR. An ordinance repealing Ordinance 68748 pertaining to the issuance of any package or drink liquor licenses for premises within the boundaries of the Third Ward Liquor Control District and in lieu thereof containing the following supplementary exemptions: renewal of an existing license and the establishment of an Entertainment District; and containing an emergency clause.
68999 Prohib. liquor in 19th Ward
BOARD BILL NO. 158 INTRODUCED BY ALDERWOMAN MARLENE DAVIS An ordinance repealing Ordinance 68403 and in lieu thereof enacting a new ordinance prohibiting the issuance of any package or drink liquor licenses for any currently non-licensed premises within the boundaries of the Nineteenth Ward Liquor Control District, as established herein, for a period of three years from the effective date hereof; containing exceptions and allowing, during the moratorium period, for the transfer of existing licenses, under certain circumstances, and the issuance of a drink license to persons operating a restaurant at a previously non-licensed premises and containing an emergency clause.
68997 Prohib. liquor in Ward 27
BOARD BILL NO. 156 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN GREGORY CARTER An ordinance repealing Ordinance 68813 and in lieu thereof enacting a new ordinance prohibiting the issuance of any package or drink liquor licenses for any currently non-licensed premises within the boundaries of the Twenty-Seventh Ward Liquor Control District, as established herein, for a period of three years from the effective date hereof; containing an exception allowing, during the moratorium period, for the transfer of existing licenses, under certain circumstances, and the issuance of a drink license to persons operating a restaurant at a previously non-licensed premises; and containing an emergency clause.
68943 Liquor moratorium in the 24th Ward
BOARD BILL NO. 37 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN SCOTT OGILVIE An ordinance repealing Ordinances 68840 and 68595 and enacting a new ordinance confirming the prohibition of the issuance of any package liquor licenses for any premises within the boundaries of the Twenty-Fourth Ward Liquor Control District, as established herein, for a period of three years from the effective date hereof; containing an exception allowing, during the moratorium period, for the transfer of existing licenses, under certain circumstances; and containing an emergency clause.
68885 Prohib. liquor in 5th Ward
BOARD BILL NO. 6 INTRODUCED BY ALDERWOMAN APRIL FORD GRIFFIN An ordinance prohibiting the issuance of any package liquor license for any non-licensed premises within the boundaries of the Fifth Ward Liquor Control District, as established herein, for a period of one year from the effective date hereof; containing exceptions and allowing, during the moratorium period, for the transfer of existing licenses, under certain circumstances; and containing an emergency clause.
68841 Liquor moratorium in the 20th Ward
BOARD BILL NO. 268 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN CRAIG SCHMID An ordinance repealing ordinance 68295 and enacting a new ordinance confirming the prohibition of the issuance of any package or drink liquor licenses for any currently non-licensed premises within the boundaries of the Twentieth Ward Liquor Control District, as established herein, for a period of one year from the effective date hereof; containing exceptions allowing, during the period, for the transfer of existing licenses, under certain circumstances; or the issuance of a drink license (no package) to persons operating a restaurant with at least 50% food sales at a previously non-licensed premises; or the issuance of a drink license(no package) to persons operating a premises with a Cherokee Street address from the west curbline of Iowa Avenue to the east curbline of Nebraska Avenue; or to persons who on the effective date of this ordinance operated a bar for at least three (3) years in compliance with excise laws and continues to operate with at least 20% food sales, thereafter; and containing a severability and emergency clause.
68813 Prohibiting liquor license in the 27th Ward
BOARD BILL NO.204 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN GREGORY CARTER An ordinance prohibiting the issuance of any package or drink liquor licenses for any currently non-licensed premises within the boundaries of the Twenty-Seventh Ward Liquor Control District, as established herein, for a period of three years from the effective date hereof; containing an exception allowing, during the moratorium period, for the transfer of existing licenses, under certain circumstances, and the issuance of a drink license to persons operating a restaurant at a previously non-licensed premises; and containing an emergency clause.
68809 Prohibiting package liquor in the 10th Ward
BOARD BILL NO. 158 NTRODUCED BY JOSEPH VOLLMER An ordinance repealing Ordinance 67917 and 68052 prohibiting the issuance of any package or drink liquor licenses for any currently non-licensed premises within the boundaries of the Tenth Ward Liquor Control District, as established herein, for a period of three years from the effective date hereof; containing an exception allowing, during the moratorium period, for the transfer of existing licenses, under certain circumstances, the issuance of a drink license to persons operating a restaurant at a previously non-licensed premises, and allowing package liquor at two locations and enacting in lieu thereof a new ordinance relating to the same subject matter; and containing an emergency clause.
68785 Prohibiting package liquor in the 22nd Ward
BOARD BILL NO. 157 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN JEFFREY BOYD An ordinance prohibiting the issuance of any package liquor license for any non-licensed premises within the boundaries of the Twenty-Second Ward Liquor Control District, as established herein, for a period of three years from the effective date hereof; containing exceptions and allowing, during the moratorium period, for the transfer of existing licenses, under certain circumstances; and containing an emergency clause.
68748 Liquor Moratorium
BOARD BILL NO. 32 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN FREEMAN BOSLEY, SR. An ordinance repealing Ordinance 67598 and 67984 pertaining to the issuance of any package or drink liquor licenses for premises within the boundaries of the Third Ward Liquor Control District and in lieu thereof containing the following supplementary exemptions: renewal of an existing license and the establishment of an Entertainment District; and containing an emergency clause.
68604 BOARD BILL NO. 325 INTRODUCED BY: ALDERMAN FREEMAN BOSLEY, SR. An Ordinance that pertains to Streets.
BOARD BILL NO. 325 INTRODUCED BY: ALDERMAN FREEMAN BOSLEY, SR. An Ordinance that pertains to Streets, Sidewalks and Bridges of the City of St. Louis, which repeals all ordinances presently codified as Title 20, Streets, Sidewalks and Bridges, of the Revised Code of the City of St. Louis, and replaces in lieu thereof a new ordinance on the same subject matter; and containing a emergency clause.
68597 Ord. relating to food preparation
BOARD BILL NO. 294 INTRODUCED BY: ALDERMAN GREGORY CARTER An Ordinance relating to food preparation and handling; adopting Chapters 1 to 7 of the National Food Code, 2009 Edition, with stated changes, pertaining to: Purpose and Definitions; Management and Personnel; Food; Equipment, Utensils and Linens; Water, Plumbing and Waste; Physical Facilities; and Poisonous or Toxic Materials, as Part One of St. Louis Food Code; adopting additional provisions pertaining to: Mobile Food Service; Temporary Food Service; and Compliance and Enforcement as Part Two (Chapters 8, 9 and 10) of the St. Louis Food Code; repealing Ordinance 63699 (codified as Sections 11.42.001 to 11.42.202, and 11.42.204 to 11.42.208, and 11.42.302 to 11.42.934, Revised Code, City of St. Louis, 1994; Ordinance 60531 (codified as Sections 11.42.276, Revised Code) and Ordinance 64975 (presently codified as Section 11.42.203, Revised Code) ; with legislative findings, penalty, severability, effective date and emergency provisions.
68595 Prohibiting liquor in 24th Ward
BOARD BILL NO. 276 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN WILLIAM WATERHOUSE An ordinance prohibiting the issuance of any package or drink liquor licenses for any premises within the boundaries of the Twenty-fourth Ward Liquor Control District, as established herein, for a period of three years from the effective date hereof; containing an exception allowing, during the moratorium period, for the transfer of existing licenses, under certain circumstances, and the issuance of a drink license to persons operating a restaurant at a previously non-licensed premises; and containing an emergency clause.
68536 Ord. pertaining to Excise laws.
BOARD BILL NO. 240 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN PHYLLIS YOUNG An ordinance pertaining to the Excise laws of the City of St. Louis, repealing Ordinances 66271, 66227, 64643, 63129, 62656, 62940, 62422 and 61289 presently codified as Title 14 of the Revised Code of the City of St. Louis having as their subject matter definitions, establishment of the Excise Division, general regulations, general violations, general licensing, manufacturers, wholesalers, and distributors, retail licenses, nonintoxicating beer licenses, license transfers and enacting in lieu thereof a new ordinance pertaining to the same subject matter, and containing a severability, emergency clauses and penalty clause.
68528 Leasehold Revenue bonds
BOARD BILL NO. 230 INTRODUCED BY: ALDERMAN STEPHEN CONWAY An ordinance recommended by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment of the City of St. Louis, Missouri (the “City”) authorizing and directing the St. Louis Municipal Finance Corporation (the “Corporation”) to issue and sell its Leasehold Revenue Refunding Bonds in order to refund all or a portion of its outstanding Refunded Bonds (as defined herein) and to issue and sell its Leasehold Revenue Improvement Bonds in order to fund the construction, repair, improvement, and renovation of the Cervantes Convention Center (as defined herein), for the general welfare, safety, and benefit of the citizens of the City, which Leasehold Revenue Refunding Bonds and Leasehold Revenue Improvement Bonds (collectively, the “Leasehold Revenue Bonds”) may be issued in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $40,000,000 and may be issued in one or more Series as (i) compound interest bonds, current interest bonds, and/or direct subsidy bonds, (ii) Tax-Exempt Bonds or Taxable Bonds (as such terms are defined herein), and (iii) Parity Bonds or Junior Lien Bonds, and/or (iv) Build America Bonds (as such terms are defined herein); authorizing and directing the officers of the Corporation to execute and deliver the Supplemental Indenture (as defined herein), the Supplemental Lease Purchase Agreement (as defined herein), the Supplemental Deed of Trust (as defined herein), the Official Statement (as defined herein), and the Bond Purchase Agreement (as defined herein); authorizing the City to execute and deliver, as necessary or desirable to facilitate the transactions contemplated hereby, the Supplemental Lease Purchase Agreement, the Tax Compliance Agreement (as defined herein), the Continuing Disclosure Agreement (as defined herein), the Official Statement, and the Bond Purchase Agreement; providing for a debt service reserve fund or funds, if any, and a capitalized interest fund or funds, if any, for the Leasehold Revenue Bonds; authorizing the Corporation and the City to obtain credit enhancement for all or any portion of the Leasehold Revenue Bonds from one or more Credit Providers (as defined herein); authorizing the payment of any obligations due to such Credit Provider or Credit Providers, if any; and authorizing the Comptroller and any other appropriate City officials to execute the Credit Agreement (as defined herein) and other documents related thereto, if any; authorizing participation of appropriate City officials in preparing the Official Statement; authorizing the acceptance of the terms of the Bond Purchase Agreement and the taking of further actions with respect thereto; authorizing the payment of certain costs of issuance of the Leasehold Revenue Bonds; authorizing and directing the taking of other actions and approval and execution of other documents as necessary or desirable to carry out and comply with the intent hereof; and superseding provisions of prior ordinances of the City to the extent inconsistent with the terms hereof.
68403 Prohibiting liquor in the 19th Ward
BOARD BILL NO. 113 INTRODUCED BY ALDERWOMAN MARLENE DAVIS An ordinance prohibiting the issuance of any package or drink liquor licenses for any currently non-licensed premises within the boundaries of the Nineteenth Ward Liquor Control District, as established herein, for a period of three years from the effective date hereof; containing exceptions and allowing, during the moratorium period, for the transfer of existing licenses, under certain circumstances, and the issuance of a drink license to persons operating a restaurant at a previously non-licensed premises and containing an emergency clause.
68399 Prohibiting liquor in 1st Ward
BOARD BILL NO. 34 INTRODUCED BY ALD. CHARLES QUINCY TROUPE An ordinance repealing Ordinance 67701 and in lieu thereof enacting a new ordinance prohibiting the issuance of any package or drink liquor licenses for any currently non-licensed premises within the boundaries of the First Ward Liquor Control District, as established herein, for a period of three years from the effective date hereof; containing exceptions and allowing, during the moratorium period, for the transfer of existing licenses, under certain circumstances, and the issuance of a drink license to persons operating a restaurant at a previously non-licensed premises and containing an emergency clause.
68350 Leasehold Revenue Bonds for 75,000,000
BOARD BILL NO. 48 INTRODUCED BY: ALDERMAN STEPHAN CONWAY An ordinance recommended by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment of the City of St. Louis, Missouri (the “City”) amending Ordinance No. 68076 and authorizing and directing the St. Louis Municipal Finance Corporation (the “Corporation”) to issue and sell its Leasehold Revenue Bonds in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $75,000,000 in order to fund the acquisition, construction, repair, improvement, and renovation of the Cervantes Convention Center (as defined herein) for the general welfare, safety, and benefit of the citizens of the City; authorizing and directing the officers of the Corporation to execute and deliver the Supplemental Indenture (as defined herein), the Supplemental Lease Purchase Agreement (as defined herein), the Supplemental Deed of Trust (as defined herein), the Official Statement (as defined herein), and the Bond Purchase Agreement (as defined herein); authorizing the City to execute and deliver, as necessary or desirable to facilitate the transactions contemplated hereby, the Supplemental Lease Purchase Agreement, the Tax Compliance Agreement (as defined herein), the Continuing Disclosure Agreement (as defined herein), the Official Statement, and the Bond Purchase Agreement; providing for a debt service reserve fund or funds, if any, for the Leasehold Revenue Bonds (as defined herein); authorizing the Corporation and the City to obtain credit enhancement for all or any portion of the Leasehold Revenue Bonds from one or more Credit Providers (as defined herein); authorizing the payment of any obligations due to such Credit Provider or Credit Providers, if any; and authorizing the Comptroller and any other appropriate City officials to execute the Credit Agreement (as defined herein) and other documents related thereto, if any; authorizing participation of appropriate City officials in preparing the Official Statement; authorizing the acceptance of the terms of the Bond Purchase Agreement and the taking of further actions with respect thereto; authorizing the payment of certain costs of issuance of the Leasehold Revenue Bonds; authorizing and directing the taking of other actions and approval and execution of other documents as necessary or desirable to carry out and comply with the intent hereof; superseding provisions of prior ordinances of the City to the extent inconsistent with the terms hereof; and containing an emergency clause.
68295 An ordinance prohibiting the issuance of any package or drink liquor licenses for any currently non-licensed premises within the boundaries of the Twentieth Ward Liquor Control District,
BOARD BILL NO. 207 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN CRAIG SCHMID An ordinance prohibiting the issuance of any package or drink liquor licenses for any currently non-licensed premises within the boundaries of the Twentieth Ward Liquor Control District, as established herein, for a period of three years from the effective date hereof; containing an exception allowing, during the period, for the transfer of existing licenses, under certain circumstances, and the issuance of a drink license to persons operating a restaurant with at least 50% food sales at a previously non-licensed premises, or operating a premises with at least 35% food sales and complying with other requirements set forth herein; and containing an emergency clause.
68131 Repealing ord. 67925 liquor moratorium
BOARD BILL NO. 175 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN SAMUEL L. MOORE An ordinance repealing Ordinance 67925 and in lieu thereof enacting a new ordinance prohibiting the issuance of any package or drink liquor licenses for any currently non-licensed premises within the boundaries of the Fourth Ward Liquor Control District, as established herein, for a period of three years from the effective date hereof; containing exceptions and allowing, during the moratorium period, for the transfer of existing licenses, under certain circumstances, and the issuance of a drink license to persons operating a restaurant at a previously non-licensed premises and containing an emergency clause.
68076 Convention Center Leasehold bonds
BOARD BILL #129 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN STEPHAN CONWAY An ordinance recommended by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment of the City of St. Louis, Missouri (the “City”) authorizing and directing the St. Louis Municipal Finance Corporation (the “Corporation”) to issue and sell its Leasehold Revenue Bonds, Series 2008 (the “Series 2008 Bonds”) in an aggregate principal amount of not to exceed $75,000,000 in order to fund the acquisition, construction, repair, improvement, and renovation of the Cervantes Convention Center (as defined herein) for the general welfare, safety, and benefit of the citizens of the City; authorizing and directing the officers of the Corporation to execute and deliver the Sixth Supplemental and Restated Indenture of Trust, the Fifth Supplemental and Restated Lease Purchase Agreement, the Fifth Supplemental and Restated First Deed of Trust, Security Agreement and Assignment, the Official Statement, and the Bond Purchase Agreement; authorizing the obtaining of credit enhancement, if any, for the Series 2008 Bonds from a Credit Provider (as defined herein), authorizing the City to execute and deliver, as necessary or desirable to facilitate the transactions contemplated hereby, any of the Fifth Supplemental and Restated Lease Purchase Agreement, the Tax Compliance Agreement (as defined herein), the Continuing Disclosure Agreement (as defined herein), the Official Statement, and the Bond Purchase Agreement; providing for a debt service reserve fund or funds, if any, for the Series 2008 Bonds; authorizing the Corporation and the City to obtain credit enhancement for a portion or all of the Series 2008 Bonds from a Credit Provider; authorizing the payment of any obligations due to a Credit Provider, if any; and authorizing the Comptroller and any other appropriate City officials to execute the Credit Agreement (as defined herein) and other documents related thereto, if any; authorizing participation of appropriate City officials in preparing the Official Statement; authorizing the acceptance of the terms of the Bond Purchase Agreement and the taking of further actions with respect thereto; authorizing the payment of certain costs of issuance of the Series 2008 Bonds; authorizing and directing the taking of other actions and approval and execution of other documents as necessary or desirable to carry out and comply with the intent hereof; and superseding provisions of prior ordinances of the City to the extent inconsistent with the terms hereof.
68055 Ordinance relating to Forest Park
BOARD BILL NO. 136 INTRODUCED BY: ALDERMAN LYDA KREWSON An ordinance relating to Forest Park; approved and recommended by the Board of Estimate and Apportionment and the Board of Public Service, approving the assignment by the St. Louis Amateur Athletic Association, a Missouri pro forma (non-profit) corporation (“Triple A”) , to Evergreen Alliance Golf Limited, L.P., a Delaware limited partnership (“Eagle”), of Triple A’s right, title and interest in and to a lease of certain property in Forest Park from the City of St. Louis to Triple A, and approving and authorizing the execution and delivery of an Amended, Restated and Extended Lease Agreement of the same property between the City as lessor and Eagle. as lessee; with an emergency provision.
67987 Prohibiting package liquor in the 20th Ward
BOARD BILL NO. 47 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN CRAIG SCHMID An ordinance prohibiting the issuance of any package or drink liquor licenses for any currently non-licensed premises within the boundaries of the Twentieth Ward Liquor Control District, as established herein, for a period of three years from the effective date hereof; containing an exception allowing, during the period, for the transfer of existing licenses, under certain circumstances, and the issuance of a drink license to persons operating a restaurant at a previously non-licensed premises, or operating a premises with at least 35% food sales and complying with other requirements set forth herein and having a commercial occupancy permit with certain enumerated conditions attached thereto; and containing an emergency clause.
67927 Liquor moratorium in the 2nd Ward
BOARD BILL NO. 497 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN DIONNE FLOWERS An ordinance prohibiting the issuance of any package liquor license for any non-licensed premises within the boundaries of the Second Ward Liquor Control District, as established herein, for a period of three years from the effective date hereof; containing exceptions and allowing, during the moratorium period, for the transfer of existing licenses, under certain circumstances, for the renewal of an existing license under the provisions, and issuance of a drink license for premises operated as a restaurant under the provisions ; and containing an emergency clause.
67925 Liquor moratorium
BOARD BILL NO. 346 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN SAMUEL L. MOORE An ordinance repealing Ordinance 67113and in lieu thereof enacting a new ordinance prohibiting the issuance of any package or within the boundaries of the Fourth Ward Liquor Control District, as established herein, for a period of three years from the effective date hereof; containing exceptions and allowing, during the moratorium period, for the transfer of existing licenses, under certain circumstances, and the issuance of a drink license to persons operating a restaurant at a previously non-licensed premises and containing an emergency clause.
67917 Liquor moratorium in the 10th Ward
BOARD BILL NO. 493 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN JOSEPH VOLLMER An ordinance prohibiting the issuance of any package or drink liquor licenses for any currently non-licensed premises within the boundaries of the Tenth Ward Liquor Control District, as established herein, for a period of three years from the effective date hereof; containing an exception allowing, during the moratorium period, for the transfer of existing licenses, under certain circumstances, the issuance of a drink license to persons operating a restaurant at a previously non-licensed premises, and allowing package liquor at two locations; and containing an emergency clause.
67701 An ordinance prohibiting the issuance of any package liquor license for any non-licensed premises within the boundaries of the First Ward Liquor Control District
BOARD BILL NO. 241 INTRODUCED BY CHARLES QUINCY TROUPE An ordinance prohibiting the issuance of any package liquor license for any non-licensed premises within the boundaries of the First Ward Liquor Control District, as established herein, for a period of three years from the effective date hereof; containing exceptions and allowing, during the moratorium period, for the transfer of existing licenses, under certain circumstances; and containing an emergency clause.
67660 Vacate north south alley at 3935 N. Broadway
BOARD BILL NO. 198 INTRODUCED BY: ALDERWOMAN DIONNE FLOWERS An ordinance recommended by the Board of Public Service to vacate public surface rights for vehicle, equestrian and pedestrian travel in a 154.895’ ± .035’ portion of the 20 foot wide north/south alley in City Block 1219 abutting 3935 N. Broadway and 3930 N. Ninth, same being bounded by Angelica, Broadway, Bremen (vacated) and Ninth in the City of St. Louis, Missouri, as hereinafter described, in accordance with Charter authority, and in conformity with Section l4 of Article XXI of the Charter and imposing certain conditions on such vacation.
67598 Liquor moratorium
BOARD BILL NO. 104 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN FREEMAN BOSLEY, SR An ordinance prohibiting the issuance of any package or drink liquor licenses for any currently non-licensed premises within the boundaries of the Third Ward Liquor Control District, as established herein, for a period of three years from the effective date hereof; containing an exception allowing, during the moratorium period, for the transfer of existing licenses, under certain circumstances, and the issuance of a drink license to persons operating a restaurant at a previously non-licensed premises; and containing an emergency clause.
67588 Liquor Moratorium in 18th Ward
BOARD BILL NO. 170 INTRODUCED BY TERRY KENNEDY An ordinance prohibiting the issuance of any package liquor license for any non-licensed premises within the boundaries of the Eighteenth Ward Liquor Control District, as established herein, for a period of three years from the effective date hereof; containing exceptions and allowing, during the moratorium period, for the transfer of existing licenses, under certain circumstances; and containing an emergency clause.
67327 An ordinance prohibiting the issuance of any package or drink liquor licenses for any premises within the boundaries of the Twenty-fourth Ward Liquor Control District
An ordinance prohibiting the issuance of any package or drink liquor licenses for any premises within the boundaries of the Twenty-fourth Ward Liquor Control District, as established herein, for a period of three years from the effective date hereof and containing exceptions.
67192 Liquor moratorium for the 3rd ward
BOARD BILL NO. 144 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN FREEMAN BOSLEY, SR. An ordinance prohibiting the issuance of any package or drink liquor licenses for any currently non-licensed premises within the boundaries of the Third Ward Liquor Control District, as established herein, for a period of three years from the effective date hereof; containing an exception allowing, during the moratorium period, for the transfer of existing licenses, under certain circumstances, and the issuance of a drink license to persons operating a restaurant at a previously non-licensed premises; and containing an emergency clause.
67155 Probibiting liquor in the 22nd Ward
An ordinance prohibiting the issuance of any package liquor license for any non-licensed premises within the boundaries of the Twenty-second Ward Liquor Control District, as established herein, for a period of three years from the effective date hereof; containing exceptions and allowing, during the moratorium period, for the transfer of existing licenses, under certain circumstances; and containing an emergency clause.
67113 Probib. package drink liquor i the 4th Ward
An ordinance repealing Ordinance 66155 and enacting a new ordinance prohibiting the issuance of any package or drink liquor licenses for any currently non-licensed premises within the boundaries of the Fourth Ward Liquor Control District, as established herein, for a period of three years from the effective date hereof; containing an exception allowing, during the moratorium period, for the transfer of existing licenses, under certain circumstances, and the issuance of a drink license to persons operating a restaurant at a previously non-licensed premises; and containing an emergency clause.
67093 An ordinance prohibiting the issuance of any package or drink liquor licenses for any currently non-licensed premises within the boundaries of the Twenty-First Ward Liquor Control District
An ordinance prohibiting the issuance of any package or drink liquor licenses for any currently non-licensed premises within the boundaries of the Twenty-First Ward Liquor Control District, as established herein, for a period of three years from the effective date hereof; containing an exception allowing, during the moratorium period, for the transfer of existing licenses, under certain circumstances, and the issuance of a drink license to persons operating a restaurant at a previously non-licensed premises; and containing an emergency clause.
67092 Repeal Liquor Moratorium in the First Ward
An ordinance repealing Ordinance 66184 and in lieu thereof enacting a new ordinance prohibiting the issuance of any package or drink liquor licenses for any currently non-licensed premises within the boundaries of the First Ward Liquor Control District, as established herein, for a period of three years from the effective date hereof; containing an exception allowing, during the moratorium period, for the transfer of existing licenses, under certain circumstances, and the issuance of a drink license to persons operating a restaurant at a previously non-licensed premises; and containing an emergency clause.
66930 Vacation of east/west alley at MLK and 18, Delmar and 19th.
An ordinance recommended by the Board of Public Service to vacate public surface rights for vehicle, equestrian and pedestrian travel in the 14 foot wide north/south alley and an irregular portion of the 20 foot wide east/west alley I City Block 944 as bounded by Martin Luther King Dr., 18th, Delmar and 19th in the City of St. Louis, Missouri, as hereinafter described, in accordance with Charter authority, and in conformity with Section l4 of Article XXI of the Charter and imposing certain conditions on such vacation.
66773 An ordinance pertaining to the Twenty-Fourth Ward Liquor Control District
An ordinance pertaining to the Twenty-Fourth Ward Liquor Control District; amending Section Two of Ordinance 66597 by changing the boundaries of the Twenty-Fourth Ward Liquor Control District, as established therein.
66764 An ordinance prohibiting the issuance of any package or drink liquor licenses for any currently non-licensed premises within the boundaries of the Twenty-Seventh Ward Liquor Control District
An ordinance prohibiting the issuance of any package or drink liquor licenses for any currently non-licensed premises within the boundaries of the Twenty-Seventh Ward Liquor Control District, as established herein, for a period of three years from the effective date hereof; containing an exception allowing, during the moratorium period, for the transfer of existing licenses, under certain circumstances, and the issuance of a drink license to persons operating a restaurant at a previously non-licensed premises; and containing an emergency clause.
66690 An ordinance prohibiting the issuance of any package or drink liquor licenses for any currently non-licensed premises within the boundaries of the Twentieth Ward
An ordinance prohibiting the issuance of any package or drink liquor licenses for any currently non-licensed premises within the boundaries of the Twentieth Ward Liquor Control District, as established herein, for a period of three years from the effective date hereof; containing an exception allowing, during the moratorium period, for the transfer of existing licenses, under certain circumstances, and the issuance of a drink license to persons operating a restaurant at a previously non-licensed premises; and containing an emergency clause.
66680 Quit Claim Deed to Nestle Purina PetCare Company
An ordinance prohibiting the issuance of any package or drink liquor licenses for any currently non-licensed premises within the boundaries of the Third Ward Liquor Control District, as established herein, for a period of three years from the effective date hereof; contain­ing an exception allowing, during the moratorium period, for the transfer of existing licenses, under certain circumstan­ces
An ordinance repealing Ordinance 66047 and in lieu thereof enacting a new ordinance prohibiting the issuance of any package or drink liquor licenses for any currently non-licensed premises within the boundaries of the Twenty-Fourth Ward Liquor Control District, as established herein, for a period of three years from the effective date hereof; contain­ing an exception allowing
An ordinance prohibiting the issuance of any package or drink liquor licenses for any currently non-licensed premises within the boundaries of the Tenth Ward Liquor Control District, as established herein, for a period of three years from the effective date hereof; contain­ing an exception allowing, during the moratorium period, for the transfer of existing licenses, under certain circumstan­ces
An ordinance prohibiting the issuance of any package or drink liquor licenses for any currently non-licensed premises within the boundaries of the Twenty-second Ward Liquor Control District, as established herein, for a period of three years from the effective date hereof; contain­ing an exception allowing, during the moratorium period, for the transfer of existing licenses, under certain circumstan­ces
An ordinance prohibiting the issuance of any package or drink liquor licenses for any currently non-licensed premises within the boundaries of the First Ward Liquor Control District, as established herein, for a period of three years from the effective date hereof; contain­ing an exception allowing, during the moratorium period, for the transfer of existing licenses, under certain
An ordinance prohibiting the issuance of any package or drink liquor licenses for any currently non-licensed premises within the boundaries of the Fourth Ward Liquor Control District, as established herein, for a period of three years from the effective date hereof; contain­ing an exception allowing, during the moratorium period, for the transfer of existing licenses, under certain
An ordinance prohibiting the issuance of any package or drink liquor licenses for any currently non-licensed premises within the boundaries of the Second Ward Liquor Control District, as established herein, for a period of three years from the effective date hereof; contain­ing an exception allowing, during the moratorium period, for the transfer of existing licenses, under certain circumstan­ces
An ordinance prohibiting the issuance of any package or drink liquor licenses for any currently non-licensed premises within the boundaries of the Eighteenth Ward Liquor Control District, as established herein, for a period of three years from the effective date hereof; contain­ing an exception allowing, during the moratorium period, for the transfer of existing licenses, under certain circumstan­ces
An ordinance prohibiting the issuance of any package or drink liquor licenses for any currently non-licensed premises within the boundaries of the Twenty-fourth Ward Liquor Control District, as established herein, for a period of three years from the effective date hereof; contain­ing an exception allowing, during the moratorium period, for the transfer of existing licenses, under certain circumstan­ces
An ordinance authorizing and directing the Mayor and Comptroller of the City of St. Louis to execute, upon receipt of and in consideration of the sum of One Million Two Thousand Dollars ($1,002,000.00) and other good and valuable consideration, a Quit Claim Deed to remise, release and forever quit-claim unto McGowan Brothers Development Corporation, LLC, certain City-owned
An ordinance establishing a Planning and Urban Design Agency, consisting of a Director, a Planning Office, a Cultural Resources Office, a Cultural Resources Director, a Planning Commission and, on the effective date of Ordinance _____ (BB54CS), a Preservation Board; repealing Ordinance 56708
An ordinance recommended by the Board of Public Service to vacate public surface rights for vehicle, equestrian and pedestrian travel in the remaining portion of the 11.5 foot north/south alley beginning at Locust and extending northwardly 164 linear feet to a point in City Block 180 same bounded by Washington, Seventh, Locust and Eighth in the City of St. Louis, Missouri, as hereinafter described, in accordance with Charter authority, and in conformity with Section l4
An ordinance repealing Chapter 11.42.005 through 11.42.230 and 11.42.275 through 11.42.540 of the Revised Code of the City of St. Louis, Missouri, 1980, containing Ordinances 56470, 56585 and 57070, pertaining to the requiring of permits from the Health Commissioner for all persons operating a food service establishment or a temporary food service establishment
An ordinance regulating fare collection and other conduct on the facilities and conveyances of or operated by the Bi-State Development Agency; repealing Section 11.33.010 of the Revised Code of the City of St. Louis, 1980; with definitions of terms, a penalty provision, and an emergency clause.
An ordinance prohibiting persons under 21 years of age from being in public streets, alleys, wharfs, bridges, parks or other public places within a certain defined entertainment area (bounded by Biddle Street, Eads Bridge, Third Street and Lenore K. Sullivan Blvd.) between the hours of 12:00 midnight and 6:00 a.m. the following day,

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