September 13, 2022 Special Primary Municipal Election to fill the President of the Board of Aldermen Vacancy

Special Election - (City-Wide Local Election)

City Election Board will hold Special Municipal Elections on Tuesday, September 13, and Tuesday, November 8, to fill the vacancy created by the resignation of Lewis Reed as President of the Board of Aldermen.  Under the City’s Municipal Code, a vacancy in the office of the President of the Board is required to be filled for the remainder of the unexpired term, if any, at the next general city or state election held not less than sixty days after the vacancy occurs, which will be on Nov. 8.  Under Ordinance 71410 (Proposition D), however, a special primary election is required to enable anyone who wants to run for the position to do so as a “non-partisan” candidate by submitting a nominating petition containing the signatures of at least 2% of the registered voters who voted in the April 6, 2021 mayoral election (i.e., 1,175 signatures).  On Sept. 13, voters will be able to vote for as many candidates as they want, with the two candidates receiving the most votes advancing to the November 8 Special General Municipal Election.
The deadline for submitting nominating petitions is 60 days before the date of the Special Primary Municipal Election, or by the close of business on Friday, July 15.  Absentee voting for the September 13 Special Primary Municipal Election will begin on Tuesday, August 2.

Election Results

Important Dates

  • 06/29/22: Candidate filing begins.
  • 07/15/22: Candidate filing ends.
  • 08/02/22: Application-based absentee voting (both by mail and in-person) begins.
  • 08/17/22: Last day to register to vote in this election.
  • 08/30/22: In-Person no excuse needed absentee voting begins.
  • 08/31/22: Last day to request an application-based absentee ballot by mail.
  • 09/12/22: Last day to vote absentee in person (both types).
  • 09/13/22: Election day. All mail-in ballots must be received by 7 PM. All in-person voters must be in line to vote by 7 PM.

Election Resources

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