Become a City of St. Louis Poll Worker
Learn about the requirements to become a poll worker, types of positions available, and how to apply.
Did you know it takes over 900 poll workers to run a St Louis City election? St Louis City is looking for people to work in polling places across the city on election day. From Northside to South City, we have a place for new poll workers. You can serve your community, make new friends, and earn some extra money.
We provide training before the election, and technical support for poll workers on election day.
Poll worker duties include:
- set up and prepare the polling location
- welcome voters
- verify voter registrations
- issue ballots
- demonstrate how to use voting equipment
- explain voting procedures
Join our election team and help your fellow Americans vote freely and fairly.
Poll Worker Opportunities
Apply to Be a Technical Specialist Poll Worker
Apply to become a non-partisan Technical Specialist for the City of St. Louis to set up and maintain all of the technical aspects of the polling place machines.
Apply to Be an ADA Specialist Poll Worker
The ADA Specialist implements all aspects of election accessibility as set forth by the St Louis City Board of Elections.
Apply to Be an Election Day Surveyor
Election Day Surveyors are responsible for auditing ADA compliance at polling places on Election Day.
Apply to Be an Election Judge Poll Worker
Apply to be an Election Judge for the City of St. Louis to check in and assist voters on election day.
Poll Manager
Manage and oversee the functions and processes of the polling place as specified by law and BOE rules. Must have prior experience as an Election Judge and be referred by a Judge's Department supervisor.
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