E and A Approval of Crime Prevention Fund 02-17-17
Letter designating E and A Approval of the Comptroller's Crime Prevention Fund on February 17, 2017

Publication Date: 02/17/2017
Document Type: Meeting Materials
Board of Estimate and Apportionment
Comptroller Darlene Green hereby establishes a city-wide Crime Prevention Fund with the consent of the honorable Board of Estimate and Apportionment. The fund shall be established using $50,000 from the Office of the Comptroller and other funding from civic leadership in the city of St. Louis.
The funds shall be made available for efforts to reduce crime citywide. A collaboration of partnerships among civic and city leaders shall enhance crime reduction efforts with the use of this fund.
Mayor Slay: Yes
Comptroller Green: Yes
President Reed: Yes
Citywide-Crime-Fund-EA-Letter (455.80 KB)
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