Obtain Energy Utility Assistance

Information on where to find assistance with gas or electric bills.


The City of St. Louis does not have a program that provides energy utility assistance to residents. However, there are many programs in the area that provide such assistance. Below are some of those programs and instructions for how to use them.


Requirements for individual programs may vary, but many ask that you meet the requirements set by the LIHEAP program:

  • Be responsible for paying home heating and cooling costs
  • Be a United States citizen or have been legally admitted for permanent residence
  • Have $3,000 or less in bank accounts, retirement accounts, or investments
  • Meet specific income guidelines that vary according to household size and fuel type
    Number of Persons Monthly Income Yearly Income
    1 $ 2,211 $ 26,531
    2 $ 2,891 $ 34,694
    3 $ 3,571 $ 42,858
    4 $ 4,252 $ 51,021
    5 $ 4,932 $ 59,184
    6 $5,612 $ 67,348

    To determine eligibility for households over six people, add an additional $128 per person per month or $1,536 per year.

For most programs, you will need to provide the following information:

  • Identification (such as driver's license, state ID, social security card)
  • Proof of income
  • Proof of assets (bank accounts, investments)
  • Most recent gas and/or electric bills


The following energy utility assistance programs are available:

What to Expect

Varies by program. Some programs require a $25 payment from you, which they will match and/or double.


For information on additional resources, contact:

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