City of St. Louis Winter Storm Response Update
An update from City departments on our ongoing winter weather response.
This article is 3 years old. It was published on December 23, 2022.
City Hall is operating solely on skeleton crews today, and will be closed on Monday, December 26, and Monday, January 2. City residents who still need to pay their Real Estate and Personal Property taxes by the December 31 deadline are encouraged to do so online via PayIt St. Louis, by phone at (314) 408-6887, or by mail.
With a wind chill advisory still in effect by the National Weather Service, the St. Louis City Emergency Management Agency (CEMA) recommends residents take caution if traveling. Check for resources and recommendations.
As of 11:30am, CEMA reports that there are at least 450 power outages across the City. Those with using generators should take precautions: Read the directions; ensure portable generators have plenty of ventilation; keep generators outside and at least 20 feet from doors, windows, and vents; install a battery-operated carbon monoxide detector in your home; add fuel to the generator only when it’s cool; do not store fuel inside your home, store it outside of living areas, in clearly-marked containers (not glass); and keep a fire extinguisher nearby. The St. Louis Fire Department reminds anyone using space heaters to keep them at least 3 feet away from other objects, remain in the room while the heater is turned on, and unplug when you go to bed.
Streets Department crews continued winter preparations throughout yesterday’s weather event, deploying salt and plowing on snow routes and high-traffic thoroughfares to keep drivers safe. Crews are monitoring City streets as high winds continue to blow snow across the streets, and recommend drivers take their time on the roads to avoid potential patches of black ice. The Refuse Division has suspended service for the day as single-digit temperatures disable the hydraulics systems used to lift dumpsters and roll carts. Drivers will work overtime on Monday to catch up.
The Department of Human Services continues to do street outreach to ensure unsheltered neighbors have access to indoor shelter space. Last night City-funded shelters had available beds open throughout the night, and an additional shelter space will open its doors this afternoon. All City-funded shelters operate 24/7. Those in need of shelter or who see someone in need should call 2-1-1 to be connected to available resources. The City of St. Louis also partners with St. Louis Public Library to offer daytime warming centers during the cold months – all SLPL branches are open today for normal hours except for the Barr branch. A list of daytime warming centers can be found on the City’s website or by calling 2-1-1.
City residents are encouraged to follow local media, the City’s website and City Emergency Management (CEMA) social media alerts for information, resources and updates. Residents should also sign up for the City’s emergency weather alerts from NotifySTL by registering on the city’s website.
Contact Information:
Office of the Mayor
City Emergency Management Agency
Street Division
Homeless Services
Streets, Sidewalks, and Streetlighting