Pay a Municipal Court Fine on a Disposed Case
How to pay fines and court costs assessed by a judge after you or your attorney have appeared in court.
A case is referred to as disposed when a judge has assessed a fine and court costs after you or your attorney have appeared in court.
This page explains how you can pay fines and court costs in person, via the Court’s drop box, by mail, or online. Online payments may be made only through CaseNet Pay By Web. Fines and court costs are no longer payable online through
Some minor traffic citations can be paid without an appearance in court. Learn more about paying a minor traffic violation without a court appearance before your first court date.
Municipal Court
(314) 622-3231
1520 Market St.,
Suite #1120
St. Louis, MO 63103
8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Monday through Friday except City Holidays