Mid-Century Modern Survey
Defining an Era: Modern Architecture of St. Louis
Defining an Era: Modern Architecture of St. Louis
The Cultural Resources Office of the St. Louis Planning and Urban Design Agency recently completed an extensive inventory of the City's Mid-century Modern non-residential architecture (MCM for short) built between 1945 and 1975. Peter Meijer Architect, PC was the consultant for the project.
We surveyed over 2,300 resources: commercial, institutional, educational, governmental and industrial buildings. Properties with architectural distinction were then selected for more intensive study (Reconnaissance Survey) and a smaller number chosen for in-depth research (Intensive Survey). In addition, three historic contexts were developed, to assist in evaluating properties of the period.
Flyers for properties in the Intensive Survey, the Context Statements, and the Final Survey Report with analyses of the dominant characteristics of St. Louis' Modern style resources, are available for download below, as are maps showing the location of all surveyed properties, and those selected for Reconnaissance and Intensive surveys.