Preservation Review Districts are established by ordinance for areas of the City where the Board of Aldermen finds that, considering the impact upon a neighborhood and upon the City as a whole, demolition review is in the public interest.
Any demolition application in a Preservation Review District will be referred by the Building Division to the Cultural Resources Office for review. No demolition permit may be issued without the approval of the Office.
Criteria for Review:
The Office will consider these criteria in making its determination:
-redevelopment plans passed by ordinance;
-the building's architectural quality;
-its structural condition;
-the demolition's effect on its neighborhood;
-the building's potential for reuse;
-urban design factors;
-any proposed subsequent construction;
-any commonly-controlled property.

The property owner may appeal an initial decision of the Cultural Resources Office by filing a written notice of appeal with the Office within 15 days. The appeal will be referred to the Preservation Board for resolution using the criteria above, and the Board will issue a decision with 60 working days. Final determination of the Preservation Board may be appealed to the St. Louis Planning Commission.
Download a City Map of Preservation Review Districts
Preservation Review District Ordinance - Title 24 Section 24.36