Home Mortgage Disclosure Act Report 2016
This annual report contains information about the residential lending activities of the banks that have applied to be City of St. Louis Depositors. All information provided in this report comes from these banks and the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC), which monitors institutional compliance with the Federal Home Mortgage Disclosure Act and the Community Revitalization Act.
Publication Date: 08/03/2017
Document Type: Plans and Reports
Planning & Urban Design Agency
This annual report contains information about the residential lending activities of the banks that have applied to be City of St. Louis Depositors. All information provided in this report comes from these banks and the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC), which monitors institutional compliance with the Federal Home Mortgage Disclosure Act and the Community Revitalization Act. Includes an additional appendix supplied by each financial institution covered by the HMDA Report.
Home Mortgage Disclosure Act Report-2016 (4.57 MB)
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