Construction Stage Projects
Capital Improvements Projects that are in the construction stage.
- Cortex/Tower Grove Bicycle Connector Project The Cortex/Tower Grove Connector project is comprised of two phases designed to improve access to residences, parks, businesses, and schools around Tower Grove Park and the Grove Neighborhood.
- Hodiamont Cycle Track Improvement Project The City of St. Louis is embarking on this interim project to make a cycle track connection between the MetroLink station at Delmar and the Hodiamont Tracks at Gwen B. Giles Park.
- Principal Arterial Traffic Safety Enhancements The City of St. Louis is pursuing over $ 46,000,000 in improvements to address speeding, crash concentrations, and pedestrian and alternative movements throughout approximately 30 miles of corridors and select intersections in the City.
- Tucker Boulevard Cycle Track Project The Tucker Blvd Cycle Track will consist of a 2-way, street level, physically protected bicycle and scooter facility on the existing asphalt pavement along the west side of North Tucker Boulevard between Washington Avenue and Chouteau Avenue.
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