Construction Stage Projects

Capital Improvements Projects that are in the construction stage.

  • Cortex/Tower Grove Bicycle Connector Project The Cortex/Tower Grove Connector project is comprised of two phases designed to improve access to residences, parks, businesses, and schools around Tower Grove Park and the Grove Neighborhood. Construction Stage in Ward 5, Ward 6, Ward 7, Ward 9, Ward 11
  • Hodiamont Cycle Track Improvement Project The City of St. Louis is embarking on this interim project to make a cycle track connection between the MetroLink station at Delmar and the Hodiamont Tracks at Gwen B. Giles Park. Construction Stage in Ward 10
  • Principal Arterial Traffic Safety Enhancements The City of St. Louis is pursuing over $ 46,000,000 in improvements to address speeding, crash concentrations, and pedestrian and alternative movements throughout approximately 30 miles of corridors and select intersections in the City. Construction Stage in Ward 1, Ward 2, Ward 3, Ward 4, Ward 5, Ward 6, Ward 7, Ward 8, Ward 9, Ward 10, Ward 11, Ward 12, Ward 13, Ward 14
  • Tucker Boulevard Cycle Track Project The Tucker Blvd Cycle Track will consist of a 2-way, street level, physically protected bicycle and scooter facility on the existing asphalt pavement along the west side of North Tucker Boulevard between Washington Avenue  and Chouteau Avenue. Construction Stage in Ward 8, Ward 14

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