Board Bill Number 297 In Session 2012-2013
City Public Works Projects
BOARD BILL NO. 297 INTRODUCED BY ALDERMAN TERRY KENNEDY, ALDERMAN SHANE COHN, PRESIDENT REED, ALDERMAN TROUPE, ALDERWOMAN FLOWERS, ALDERMAN BOSLEY, ALDERMAN MOORE, ALDERWOMAN HUBBARD, ALDERWOMAN DAVIS, ALDERMAN FRENCH, ALDERMAN BOYD, ALDERMAN CARTER, ALDERMAN WILLIAMSON, ALDERMAN VACCARO, ALDERMAN ARNOWITZ, ALDERMAN SCHMID An ordinance repealing ordinance 68412 and enacting in lieu thereof an ordinance pertaining to City public works projects, Tax Increment Financed (TIF) Projects and St. Louis City Bonded Projects, establishing apprenticeship training, and workforce diversity, and city resident programs for City-funded public works contracts, Tax Increment Financed (TIF) Projects and St. Louis City Bonded Projects; establishing a Community Jobs Board; containing definitions; construction workforce development and compliance fee; implementation and administration; waivers exceptions; non-compliance; non-discrimination policy requirement; reporting requirement; severability clause and an effective date.
- Introduced (30.33 KB PDF)
- Committee Substitute (29.94 KB PDF)
Session: 2012-2013
Primary Sponsors: Terry Kennedy
Ordinance: 69427 effective 03/21/2013
Committee: Legislation
Legislative History
Legislative activities for this board bill. Learn more about what these activities mean.
First Reading
Second Reading
Third Reading
Ordinance Number: 69427
Effective Date: 03/21/2013
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