Programs & Services

Develop your skills. Explore career opportunities.

SLATE Missouri Job Center is dedicated to helping unemployed St. Louisans find jobs, offering a variety of educational, training, and support services for job seekers of all ages and abilities. Located in downtown St. Louis, our office invites workers at every career level to earn credentials, learn new skills, join workshops, prepare for interviews, and navigate employment systems—all at no cost. Whether you're looking to advance your career or switch paths, SLATE has services for you!

Our program also empowers youth to succeed in education and the workplace, inspiring and teaching the future leaders of our communities.

Our Programs

Out-of-School Youth Program
We provide educational and employment services to youth, ages 17 to 24 who are either at risk of dropping out of school or already have.

Summer Youth Employment Program
Summer Jobs is for youth between the ages of 14-24 and aims to provide them with work experience and prepare them for tomorrow's careers

A program for disadvantaged City of St. Louis youth ages 17-24 will give them the ability to earn pay, help build affordable housing, and learn leadership skills


  • Job Search AssistanceOur full-service Center is staffed with dedicated workforce professionals who specialize in job search and career transition guidance. We also have resource rooms with computers, Internet, printers, phones and fax machines to easily connect with employers.
  • Professional WorkshopsWe offer a variety of no-cost workshops covering topics such as résumé writing, interview tips, succeeding on hiring tests, online job search, personal career brand among others.
  • Career Training and Financial AssistanceDo you already have skills and experience or looking to learn a new career? We offer financial assistance for training programs in high-demand high-growth occupations that can help cover the cost of your tuition, books, supplies and more.

Connect with Us





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SLATE Missouri Job Center is an Equal Opportunity Employer and Service Provider. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. If you need this information interpreted to a language you understand or in a different format, please contact 314-589-8000. Callers who are deaf or hearing or speech-impaired may reach us at Missouri Relay Number 711.
>> Equal Opportunity & Accommodations
>> Notice of Federal Funding and Federal Disclaimer
>> Babel Notice


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