Finding A Job
SLATE can help job seekers identify available jobs that match their skills, abilities and career objectives.
Access thousands of jobs available in St. Louis area (or any other Missouri county or region) by visiting Missouri's official job board. Once you open this link you will be able to search jobs by Keywords and/or by Job Category to generate a listing that matches your interests.
To apply for a position and view employer contact information you must be fully registered with Jobs.Mo.Gov. To register, click My Account, then click Create Account.
If you have been looking for a job without much success, you may need assistance. We offer job search services and can help you connect with employers and their job opportunities.

SLATE Missouri Job Center is an Equal Opportunity Employer and Service Provider. Auxiliary aids and services are available upon request to individuals with disabilities. If you need this information interpreted to a language you understand or in a different format, please contact 314-589-8000. Callers who are deaf or hearing or speech-impaired may reach us at Missouri Relay Number 711.
>> Equal Opportunity & Accommodations
>> Notice of Federal Funding and Federal Disclaimer
>> Babel Notice