File to Run for Office
Instructions on how to run for office in the City of St. Louis
On This Page
This page contains instructions on how to file for City of St. Louis offices.
- If you wish to file for a federal or state office, contact the Missouri Secretary of State’s Office.
- To file for an office in St. Louis County, visit the St. Louis County website for more information.
- If you are filing for a municipality, school district, fire district, or other special district in St. Louis County, please contact that entity directly.
If you wish to declare candidacy for a City of St. Louis office, you must meet certain qualifications. Review and determine that you meet the qualifications for:
- Alderman/Alderwoman
- Circuit Attorney
- Collector of Revenue
- Committeeman/Committeewoman
- Comptroller
- License Collector
- Mayor
- President of the Board of Aldermen
- Recorder of Deeds
- Sheriff
- Treasurer
For additional information regarding qualifications to file for an office, please contact the Board of Elections at (314) 622-4336.
Dates and Deadlines
Take note of the filing deadlines and election years for each office.
Please be advised that candidates may not file their Declarations prior to this time frame.
- If you are running for Alderperson, Comptroller or Mayor, you will need to obtain a certificate of nomination. This is a list of signatures from registered voters in St. Louis City stating that they endorse you as a candidate for office. It is a multi-step process, so it's important to start early. Learn how to obtain a certificate of nomination.
- Candiates for Alderperson, Comptroller or Mayor must visit the City Treasurer's Office and pay a filing fee. Candidates for all other offices can either pay their filing fee at the Election Board or to the party on whose ticket they are running. If you pay your filing fee to City Treasurer or party do not forget to bring a receipt to the Election board when you file.
- Candidates for Alderperson, Comptroller or mayor must obtain a statement of tax clearance from the Collector of Revenue's Office confirming that you are not delinquent in the payment of city taxes and water or refuse bills.
- Bring the above documents to:
Board of Election Commissioners
300 N. Tucker Blvd.
St. Louis, Missouri 63101
$100.00 for City Treasurer, Collector of Revenue, License Collector, Recorder of Deeds, Circuit Attorney, and Sheriff
$100 for Committeemen and Committeewomen
1% of their salary for the Mayor, Comptroller, President of the Board of Aldermen, and Aldermen/women
$100.00 for a candidate for the City of St. Louis Board of Education
What to Expect
After you file for office, you are required to adhere to strict record keeping, conflict of interest laws, ethics laws, and campaign finance disclosure laws. These requirements are mandated by the Missouri Ethics Commission. Read more about mandatory ethics filing dates.
At the time of filing, you will be given pamphlets and information about the laws and reporting requirements that he or she is required to follow. These laws and requirements can also be found on the Missouri Ethics Commission website.
Candidates or interested parties can come to the Board office during regular business hours to request information about the laws and requirements imposed by the Missouri Ethics Commission.
Board of Election Commissioners
(314) 622-4336
300 N Tucker Blvd
St. Louis, MO 63101
Monday - Friday 8 AM – 5 PM On Election Day Polls Open at 6 AM and Close at 7 PM
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